
NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1

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NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

A basic care coordination plan can be described as a roadmap that outlines the way through which a specific patient will access care services required to meet his or her needs. Some of these include: identifying the patient’s medical, psychosocial and functional health care needs; establishing achievable and measureable goals that are consistent with the patient’s needs; identifying the best interventions that are evidence-based to meet the patient’s needs and achieve the set goals; ensuring that the patient, family and care givers can easily communicate and work with each other; coordinating the care of the patient across different settings; and monitoring the patient’s progress and making adjustments to the plan as needed (Deshields et al. , 2021). This first plan is to provide an avenue for patient-centered preventive care and better health outcomes. To this end, the following are the aims of this study in order to achieve the overall objective of coming up with a care management plan for health literacy.

Analysis of Health Concerns and the Related Best Practices

For the purpose of enhancing the health status, the people need to be able to acquire the health knowledge, comprehend it and then apply it in the decision-making process that will benefit their health in the best possible way. This is known as health literacy and refers to the ability of individuals to obtain, understand and use health information in ways which are appropriate for their needs. One of the most critical health concerns of today’s society is the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart ailments, and obesity. It has been estimated that at least 88% of the population in the United States lacks adequate knowledge about health to navigate the health and wellbeing system for their general health. Half of the members of this group are reported to have intermediate skills while twenty-two percent have basic skills and fourteen percent have skills below the primary level. According to Lopez et al. (2022), only 12 percent of people are considered to be sufficiently health literate.

To address this problem, it is necessary to encourage health literacy. One of the most efficient strategies to promote health is ensuring that people get the right, easily understandable information about their health through training, online platforms, and community events (Stormacq et al. , 2020). Healthcare workers are also vital in enhancing health literacy as they communicate with patients effectively, use ordinary language, and ensure that patients comprehend their medical instructions and treatment regimens (Voigt-Barbarowicz & Brütt, 2020).

It also make people to have some power of asking questions, getting more information, and participating in their healthcare decisions, and this make them to own their health results. It is also helpful to use the Teach-Back method as a way of checking whether the information on health that has been given is clear and helpful in improving health literacy. Adhere to the following precautions when it comes to Health Literacy: Universal Precautions. The plan entails the provision of general protection for health communication. This means that all patients can be misunderstood, regardless of their education level, their income, or their literacy (Coleman, 2020). This means that when communities are designing their agendas for the future, they should ensure that they place emphasis on health literacy in order to enable the people to make better health decisions that will help reduce the gaps in health care.

Goals for a Healthcare Problem

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Many people have probably come across the concept of SMART goals at one point. Goals that have to do with improving health behaviors should be specific, and specific goals should be specific, quantifiable, attainable, significant, and time-bound. Specific means focusing on particular aspects of health literacy while Measurable ensures that whatever is set is clear and easily achievable. They also assist individuals in identifying achievable objectives, and monitor their performance. This method empowers individuals and makes them more accountable for the decisions they make and this results in better health outcomes.

  • Goal 1:

For the next three months create a series of information leaflets.

  • Specific:

It is recommended to create a series of informational handouts on basic health topics such as physical activity, nutrition, psychological well-being, and prevention.

  • Measurable:

Produce at least five brochures, containing simple and concise health information of a minimum of five topics.

  • Achievable:

Ensure that you set enough time and effort in searching for relevant information for each paper and compile it.

Relevant: That is why discussing basic health problems can assist individuals to make the right decisions concerning their health and lives.

  • Time-bound:

Complete the handouts in the next three months and distribute them in community centers, hospitals and the internet by the end of the third quarter.

  • Goal 2:

Conduct classes on health awareness for half a year.

  • Specific:

Organise a monthly program of health literacy training for teachers and healthcare givers within the society.

  • Measurable:

Organise one class per month on a different health issue that includes; How to deciphers medical jargons, Navigation through health care systems, and How to comprehend health information.

  • Possible:

Ensure that you build a bond with some of the health care workers, teachers and other members of the community to help and support each class.

  • Relevant:

Thus, people will be able to get useful information and skills from the engaging workshops that will enable them to improve their health.

  • Time-bound:

The first class must be held within the first two months and then hold at least one class per month for the next six months, making use of comments and participation in order to modify and enhance succeeding classes if necessary.

Existing Community Resources Related to Continuum of Care

Community tools are very useful for health literacy as they facilitate access to information, help and services. They provide the people with the knowledge that they require to enhance their health, the ways through which one can maintain his or her health, and how people can easily access health facilities. Collaborating with these tools enhances people’s awareness, makes them more prone to practice self-care and maintain healthier lifestyles (Santana et al. , 2021). In the United States, these three important neighborhood tools help people learn more about health and support a safe, successful chain of care:In the United States, these three important neighborhood tools help people learn more about health and support a safe, successful chain of care:

  1. The NLM (National Library of Medicine): It is the largest library in the world with focus in science. It is one of the institutes of the National Institute of Health. It has numerous tools to enhance health literacy, for instance MedlinePlus which is a comprehensive online patient and family health information resource (Humphreys et al. , 2022). The study showed that MedlinePlus improved the knowledge of health topics and decision-making of people significantly (Backus & Lacroix, 2022).
  2. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): AHRQ is an agency of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services that aims to reduce medical errors and increase health literacy (Brach & Borsky, 2020). The initiative, “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” engages people in their care by encouraging them to not only seek information but also share information as well as ask questions (AHRQ, n. d. ). AHRQ’s “Questions” tool made patients more engaged and enhanced their interactions with healthcare workers, as illustrated by the study by Lord et al. (2021).
  3. The ALA (American Library Association): The ALA Libraries Transform Health Literacy Toolkit provides libraries with the resources they need to help people with their health issues. It is through libraries that people are empowered on how to use computers and also get appropriate health information (Withorn et al. , 2021). In a study, Stormacq et al. (2020) observed that health literacy classes offered in public libraries helped people to be more knowledgeable and self-assertive about their health.

These tools assist in the improvement of the health care system by providing people with the necessary knowledge and tools that will enable them to navigate through the system, effectively communicate with their physicians, and make proper decisions regarding their personal health.


The preliminary care coordination plan is a simple blueprint that helps ensure that the healthcare personnel and the patients are able to have good interaction and cooperation. This plan therefore intends to address the health literacy problems in an effort of empowering the individuals with the knowledge and abilities that enable them to engage actively in their care. Patients should be given regular self-assessment, learning, and support in order to comprehend their diseases, drugs, and ways of managing their conditions. This will boost their health outcomes and enhance the bond between the patient as well as the healthcare professionals.

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AHRQ. (n.d.). Questions Are the Answer | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 

Backus, J. E. B., & Lacroix, E.-M. (2022). Providing health information for patients, families and the public. Information Services & Use, 1–10. 

Brach, C., & Borsky, A. (2020). How the U.S. agency for healthcare research and quality promotes health literate health care. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 269, 313–323. 

Coleman, C. (2020). Health literacy and clear communication best practices for telemedicine. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice, 4(4), e224–e229. 

Deshields, T. L., Wells‐Di Gregorio, S., Flowers, S. R., Irwin, K. E., Nipp, R., Padgett, L., & Zebrack, B. (2021). Addressing distress management challenges: Recommendations from the consensus panel of the American psychosocial oncology society and the association of oncology social work. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 71(5). 

Humphreys, B. L., Logan, R. A., & Miller, R. A. (2022). Transforming biomedical informatics and health information access: Don Lindberg and the U.S. National Library of Medicine. In Google Books. IOS Press. 

Lopez, C., Kim, B., & Sacks, K. (2022). Health literacy in the United States enhancing assessments and reducing disparities. Milken Institute. 

Lord, J., Borkowski, N., & Weech-Maldonado, R. (2021). Patient engagement in home health: The role of health literacy and “Ask Me Three®.” Home Health Care Management & Practice, 33(3), 108482232199662. 

Santana, S., Brach, C., Harris, L., Ochiai, E., Blakey, C., Bevington, F., Kleinman, D., & Pronk, N. (2021). Updating health literacy for healthy people 2030: Defining its importance for a new decade in public health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: JPHMP, 27(6). 

Stormacq, C., Wosinski, J., Boillat, E., & Van den Broucke, S. (2020). Effects of health literacy interventions on health-related outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged adults living in the community. JBI Evidence Synthesis, Publish Ahead of Print(7). 

Voigt-Barbarowicz, M., & Brütt, A. L. (2020). The agreement between patients’ and healthcare professionals’ assessment of patients’ health literacy—A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2372. 

Withorn, T., Eslami, J., Lee, H., Clarke, M., Caffrey, C., Springfield, C., Ospina, D., Andora, A., Castañeda, A., Mitchell, A., Kimmitt, J. M., Vermeer, W., & Haas, A. (2021). Library instruction and information literacy 2020. Reference Services Review, 49(3/4), 329–418. 

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