
NURS FPX 6030 Assessment 6 Final Project Submission

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Final Project Submission

NURS FPX 6030 Assessment 6

  • Abstract

To complete my HIMSS journey, I decided that my capstone project would be to establish a psychological palliative care plan. In the project, cancer patients will be offered assistance with pain-related procedures. The outlined intervention plan will enhance the analog population’s quality of care and life by accelerating pain management. The need cannot be overemphasized to pay attention to the pain symptoms that terminally ill patients experience without the use of chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeutic interventions. The planned intervention will assist in fulfilling the psychological needs of such patients with cancer, thus enhancing their quality of life (Sinha et al., 2022).

In general, I utilized the principles of psychological treatment, including cognitive therapy, discussion group therapy, encouragement, music therapy as well and art therapy, aiming at the purpose of management of pain symptoms in terminally ill patients. These align with the WHO, AHA, Medicaid, and Medicare. I found the physical/ psychological/nonmedical/nonpharmacological intervention strategies effective in enhancing pain control, for instance, psychological palliative care in terminal illnesses, according to Kredentser and Chohinov (2020).

Organizational Change

It was proposed by Silton et al. that there is a need for organizational change in the Cancer Care Center that is situated in California to enhance pain symptom management in patients with terminal illnesses. This intervention will improve the pain control strategy through psychological end-of-life care. Thus, the approach that will be utilized to instigate change comprises cognitive therapy, supportive discussion group therapy, music therapy, and art therapy. The change will address nine healthcare outcomes: quality care, patient and family-centered care, and equality in treating multiple cultural patients. Additionally, it will assist in avoiding the high cost of therapy for patients and make healthcare accessible to everyone(von Blankenburg & Leppin, 2018).

Knowledge Gaps and Missing Information

Lack of sufficient information also creates some barriers to the use of psychological soothing therapy by patients when experiencing pain symptoms. Lack of adequate knowledge by the relevant health care providers, especially oncologist physicians, on the impact of psychological palliative care in alleviating pain, will inhibit organizational change. Another factor that has been pointed out is ignorance of patient attraction and reversible factors, as well as limited knowledge of oncologists and various health care providers on the role of psychological palliative therapy in the reduction of pain. This lack of understanding may result in an under-representation of this appropriate care modality with inadequate incorporation in everyday clinical practice.


The call for this intervention is the relief of pain symptoms for patients having end-stage diseases. Misconceptions included perceiving the capstone project’s target population, specifically elderly patients. This is the context or the scene where the capstone project will occur: Cancer Care Center in California. Cognitive therapy, group therapy, and other therapies form the plan, while adjuvant therapies include music and art therapy. Another reason why it is necessary to follow through with the intercession plan is because the clients are in the terminal stage of their illness. They are ailing from the disease, and it has affected all parts of their body, and with this, no treatment can be given. Thus, the psychological needs of the patient are addressed by providing psychological palliative treatment that aims to decrease the symptoms associated with pain. Hospice nurses will use Walton’s transformational leadership and collaborative leadership when working with other hospice caretakers to enhance the use of psychological pain control in the hospice. Interdisciplinary cooperation in Palms will be beneficial in decreasing the overall cost of therapy for the patients since the cost of all the palms as one economical method of payment for all the workers under one roof is one economical cost for many healthcare professionals working as a team. The integrated working of these healthcare providers will also reduce communication breakdown, thus avoiding errors related to the flow of information, providing the required patient care, and enhancing client relations. Components of the evaluation plan were incorporated, such as survey forms and questionnaires for data collection to envisage analysis of the intervention plan ( Blankenburg & Leppin, 2018).

Evidence to Use in Clinical and Organizational Decision-Making

Implements of decision-making related to change processes in clinical and organizational settings will involve confirming valuable materials from various real-life journals and research articles. Concerning the sources, only the website information of full-text articles was considered. These included The Journal of American Medical Association, Palliative Medicine, BMC Nursing, BMC Palliative Care, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Rural and Remote Health, Health Psychology Research, Current Oncology Reports, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, The American Journal of Bioethics, and others.

Best Available Evidence

Sinha et al. (2022) was the best source of information for clinical and organizational decisions because it provided the most detailed and updated information on the topic. It was shown that psychological intervention could be provided to terminally ill patients for the benefit of the patients themselves. It posited that there must be a way to enhance the control of pain symptoms that those patients experience as they suffer through their terminal illnesses, specifically through non-invasive and painless ways. Thus, it highlighted the application of psychological intervention care and treatment like cognitive therapy, supportive-discussion group therapy, art therapy, and music therapy in pain symptom treatment. The article was more or less willing to focus on the test quality, the experience, and the safety of the patients during their psychological palliative care.

Problem Statement (PICOT)

  • Need Statement 

Essential for the design of my project is the requirement of psychological palliative care for patients who are suffering from unbearable pain symptoms in the terminal stage of their diseases. There is a need to meet as the patients in the terminal stage of illnesses are weak and can hardly undergo sessions of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which makes palliative care applicable (de Oliveira et al., 2020). At this stage, all diseases have reached extensive dissemination inside and outside the body, and the body can no longer accept any therapy. Therefore, psychological palliative care improves patients’ quality of life. This helps them manage their pain symptoms, enhance their psychological state, and also to help them overcome the fear of death through the provision of the Psychological palliative theory as posited by Wisesrith et al. in their study of the year 2021.

Population and Setting

Hence, the population that will be intervened in the proposed three-pronged intervention plan consists of elderly patients ending in the final stages of the illness. Because patients in this population are usually diagnosed with more advanced diseases, particular importance should be paid to provide adequate means to manage the symptoms related to pain to improve the quality of care in this category of patients. The setting will be aimed at the Cancer Care Center in California. They are undeniably extensive, but the management of pain symptoms cannot be overlooked in this care center since it attends to the majority of terminally ill Californian cancer patients.

Quality Improvement Methods

The intervention being suggested in this case is aimed at the mitigation of the pain symptoms that are affiliated with terminally ill patients. Pain symptoms can be effectively dealt with as psychotherapy and adjuvant therapy. Similar to the above argument, when it comes to the specific type of intervention for pain management, I felt that the proposed type of intervention – psychological palliative care, is an extremely narrow area of applying psychological intervention. Therefore, by successfully applying this intervention, terminal patients could benefit from enhanced quality of life through reduced pain duration and increased physical well-being.

Knowledge Gaps

So, specific cultural and ethical patient-related factors should be considered before exploring the use and integration of the intervention plan in practice. This will enable better intervention implementation, which will be culturally sensitive to the patient’s diverse background. The last issue of differences relates to the fact that owing to cultural variation, the patients may have different preferences regarding the kinds of intercessions applied in the psychological dimensions of palliative care. For instance, though art therapy or music therapy can be helpful in the suitable treatment, they might prefer other therapies like therapy or prayer. These preferences should Ideally, such cultural norms, beliefs, and expectations should be understood so that culturally compatible and suitable forms of intervention are provided for patients of different cultures. Patients and their families must be allowed to have the final word concerning pain management as well as the stage and nature of treatments needed for terminal illnesses. Patients should be informed of the possibility of the intervention and the possible consequences of the procedure and seek their permission to carry on with the procedure in a process commonly referred to as informed consent.

Intervention Overview

This shall mean perceived care quality, pain control, and improvement in the psychological well-being of the dying patient subjected to psychological and adjuvant treatments. A CBT-supported conversation intervention, a supportive-discussion group treatment, an art treatment, and a music treatment will be held among the proposed intercessions. The intervention can be well placed in the targeted group because invasive and intense procedures like chemotherapy cannot be undertaken in these cases. The intervention is entirely appropriate when it comes to the target setting. The intervention reflects the needs of the patient population that the intervention was meant to assist. It also enhances the quality and safety of their lives and mental well-being and offers fair and effective treatment to reduce the signs of pain (Rosenberg et al., 2022).

Comparison of Approaches

Other alternatives to psychological palliative care are the use of opioid analgesics where applicable or the use of fixed-site high-frequency TENS and Virtual Reality. These interventions raised the level of pain symptom management among terminally ill patients. These alternatives are ideal for the intended population as the different strategies employed under the modifier option are less invasive, efficient, and satisfactory to elderly patients (Parley et al., 2021).

 These alternatives are suitable for the target set because the Cancer Care Center already has opioids such as Tylenol with codeine and is already setting up FS-TENS and Virtual Reality. First, the options of the resources would not necessitate additional finances for the acquisition, making them practical to implement in a hospital setting. The choices considerably meet this need and help minimize pain indications in patients with extreme illness. 

Patient-Centered Care to Improve Health Outcomes

Based on the above-discussed intervention plan, the intervention plan will not be disease-centered care but patient-centered care instead. The intervention plan will address ethnic, religious, cultural, or racial factors to focus on the aspects of patient-centered care to help the patients of the Navajo Nation have a better health status (Swihart et al., 2022). It could also refer to patient engagement, where the care will be more about the patient’s needs and wants rather than the disease or symptoms in the context of the intervention. The intervention plan will consequently include different approaches to capture the concern and ensure care for each patient’s individual needs to accomplish this. This may require communicating with the patients and their families and ascertaining their belief systems, cultural and religious practices, and values to provide an intervention of tuned synthesis.

Assumptions Underlying Intervention Implementation and Evaluation Plans

Assumption of the intervention implementation and assessment includes equal treatment of all patients on the Trauma Service to reduce pain symptoms and enhance Quality of Life through psychologically supportive care. The first assumption is that the investigated kind of psychological intervention, namely psychological palliative care, can benefit persons suffering from moderate to severe pain at the end of life by enhancing their quality of life. The second assumption is the Triple-A of Training; this assumption postulates that there will be sufficient training and support for healthcare providers when implementing the intervention plan. The third premise is that specific patient children and their families will abide by and engage in the intervention plan without Non-Specific patient children and families will follow and partake in it without fail. The fourth assumption is that the intervention mentioned earlier will be realistic and can be implemented in the healthcare sector with a high chance of sustainability. This also entails the capacity to provide adequate formal and human resources and infrastructures needed to adopt the proposed intervention plan. At the same time, it can be easily incorporated into the current organizational structures, systems, procedures, protocols, and schedules.

Initial Outcome Draft

The patients who are suffering from life terminating illnesses are the focus issue and the outcome/goal that is expected in the improvement of their pain symptoms. Given this, I have intervened and proposed a project that aims at offering psychological palliative care to such patients to sort out their pain symptoms. It shows that as a nurse, I would like to ease pain symptoms in these patients by innovatively applying cognitive therapy, supportive-discussion group therapy, music, and art therapy. Consequently, a monitoring and evaluation framework comprises surveys and questionnaires to be carried out periodically to assess the intervention’s effectiveness.

Time Estimate

The intervention is expected to be developed within two months. It will include the following: This timeframe is reasonable to some extent because the stocks of the resources and the overall training of the healthcare staff would attract within this time frame. Hindrances that will affect this period include the need for scarce resources, the refusal by interdisciplinary staff to cooperate, and disagreements about the planned intervention.  The actual intervention is intended to take four months during this study.

Interprofessional Care to Improve Safety and Quality

There need to be more gaps in the provision of care that need to be addressed to enhance the quality of care, and this will require improved collaboration among the interdisciplinary team members. This will minimize incidents of inaccuracies and can bring quality and safety to the therapy process because of improved communication. Collaboration between the multidisciplinary teams will also assist in lowering patient costs since interprofessional care will be availed at an affordable cost under one cheap mode of treatment, as stated by Zeiko et al. (2022)

Conflicting Evidence/ Other Perspectives 

Rapid-Fire Listing of Examples and Other Prescriptive to Interprofessional Care to Improve Quality and Safety include when an oncologist decides not to work with a psychologist to reduce pain for terminal patients. Some healthcare providers are likely to refrain from collaborating with other professionals because they need to understand the roles, responsibilities, and functions of other teamwork members, fear being overshadowed or dominated by the other team members, or lack adequate confidence in the capabilities of the team members. Some of the challenges associated with interprofessional care include Human Resource implications. Additional resources, such as time allocation, staff, and funds, may be needed to support interprofessional care. If these resources are unavailable, specific difficulties may be encountered in practicing interprofessional care. System-related factors that can intervene include an organization’s policies and structures, like hierarchy or even competing demands that cause inter-professional care to be compromised. Physicians could also have various levels of interprofessional communication training, making understanding between members, conflict, and cooperation challenging when treated interprofessionally.

Implementation Plan

Management and Leadership

  • Leadership Strategies

Promoting the intervention strategy can best undergo a collaborative and transformational leadership approach. Hence, the following strategies will help implement interprofessional collaboration: The preceding strategy will ensure fewer communication barriers among the team members. These leadership strategies will help a psychologist explain to other members of a particular healthcare team how to offer the best psychological care. Through its input, the psychologist will revise and assist spice nurses and other healthcare practitioners in enhancing end-of-life patients’ well-being and quality of life while minimizing or alleviating pain sensations.

  • Management Strategies

Management strategies, like forming groups to enhance continuity and interaction among healthcare professionals, enhance healthcare provider collaboration. There will be an improvement in communication, thus minimizing gaps arising due to severance of communication between healthcare practitioners. The above-stated strategies will aid in creating or maintaining a practice environment where cordial interprofessional relations are nurtured and solid and reduce communication breaks that often cause procedural mistakes (Lee et al . , 2021).

  • Nursing Practices

Some practicing nursing behaviors should be relevant when disseminating the intervention plan, which includes humbleness, care, sensitivity, responsibility, and reliability. These practices will help to make sure that the people who give care to sick persons will treat them with dignity and comfort when they are dying. The patient is valued and believed, and the patient’s information does not circulate with others. Accountability will thus guarantee that the healthcare providers, especially the hospice /palliative care providers, are answerable for what they do or fail to do. This will ensure that ill patients receive quality and sensitive treatment and that no harm is inflicted on them, especially those in the terminal stage.

NURS FPX 6030 Assessment 6 Final Project Submission

Moreover, the trustworthiness factor will help the patients share aspects of their lives that they could never speak with anyone, and even if they wanted to, they were sorry that they did not. These nursing procedures will help oncologists, psychologists, and hospice nurses, in particular, to maintain communication with each other and other interprofessional work members. These patients from different cultural endowments will quickly get the intended intervention in cooperation.

Change Associated with Proposed Strategies

  • Leadership strategies

The collective work done by practitioners in the healthcare sector will help minimize the likelihood of mistakes and hitches in communications and thus decrease the mistakes during psychological categories of palliative care. It can entail successful cultural accommodation of psychological palliative care in the chosen groups of targeted patients. Multicultural patient health needs will be met to deliver adequate healthcare services. Since a team of healthcare providers will be treating the patient, treatment costs will decrease. This is so because patients will not have to turn to several healthcare providers and pay them individually; instead, all healthcare providers will solicit services directly at an agreed-upon price. This integration of care will ensure that patient care is provided effectively, with high-quality care, an excellent patient experience, and, most importantly, at an affordable price.

  • Management strategies

The proposed concepts of working in interdisciplinary teams will eliminate communication barriers since healthcare providers are encouraged to collaborate. This will minimize mistakes and improve the efficiency of delivering psychological palliative care to patients. This approach would facilitate smooth team interaction and provide a cost-effective treatment with quality care and a good experience with care.

  • Nursing Practices

The role that nursing practices will play is to ensure that the patient is accorded the respect that s/he deserves. The hospice nurses will make sure that the patient receives psychological palliative care that is fit to the individual and the culture and is efficient in clients’ malady symptoms alleviation. The cost of treatment impact would be minimal as no extra or costly equipment or amenities would be needed as such a patient and their nurse-psychological palliative care would be enough.

Delivery and Technology

  • Delivery Methods

The suggested delivery methods are: Psychological palliative care can be channeled through hospice or palliative care nurses, if available. Delivering health care services include in-patient consultation, palliative care, hospice care, and community-based care. Intervention strategy: The following approaches are helpful when implementing this strategy: Putting the intervention strategy into action. These nurses specialize in handling patients in their last days of life and how to attend to them based on their conditions. These nurses enable patient care, respect patient’s preferences, and assist the patient in engaging in psychological end-of-life care to minimize pain effectively. The above methods will enhance the intervention plan as follows: The present intervention plan will enhance patient care by addressing culturally acceptable methods that will intervene in the patient’s pain symptoms to improve the quality of life.

Evaluation of Current and Emerging Technology


  • Current Technologies

Mobile technologies include cell phones, hand-held mobile technologies such as tablets, laptops, and DS, gadgets like smartwatches, telemonitoring services, electronic health care applications, and other communication systems, excluding spoken language, enhanced by technology. However, wearable devices will have a more significant potential positive impact than two different types of devices.

  • Emerging Technology

Some emerging technologies include Innovative technology controlled by voice commands, among others. Of all the prospects presented in this technology, it has the most immense positive outcome in treating patients. The relative technology, therefore, is bound to have the most profound positive influence on the care of patients. Smartphone voice features will link the patient to the healthcare givers who will always observe the patient’s condition. Any development affecting the patient’s vital status will automatically be conveyed to the attending healthcare practitioners, and immediately, the hospice/palliative care nurses will run to the patient’s care. Moreover, a voice command system will be effective in the case of a patient with pain symptoms when using music therapy to ease pain and make the delivery of psychological palliative care more accessible and more efficient.

  • Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations

The ultimate stakeholders are patients, medical workers, hospital and clinic employees, owners, and investors. If the pan needs of the stakeholders are considered, issues of implementing the intervention plan will be highly influenced. ACA, WHO, CMS, Medicare, Medicaid, and CDC are some oignifihealthcare-provideriding acts. 

Relevant Changes to Health Policy

  • Policy considerations

Public policies such as Medicare and Medicaid approve or recommend psychological palliative care for the terminally ill. The policies help in raising the awareness of the people and also educate them on the availability of psychological palliative care for the terminally ill. This will lead to more people who are terminally sick seeking psychological palliative care. New policy considerations are now tied towards encouraging the use of psychological palliative care primarily for terminally ill patients and making the use acceptable. This shall assist in the management of the intervention plan I undertake and shall, in turn, positively impact the intervention plan.

  • Timeline

The intervention considered here requires implementation for three months. The common one is that the intervention component will require additional approval and permission from the hospital directors for implementation. When determining the amount of time to allocate for the intervention, it is imperative to consider all the situational and organizational constraints.

Evaluation Plan

A terminal illness eradicating pain, equal and non-biased treatment for multiculturally diverse patients, a human-centered approach to the treatment instead of the disease-oriented approach, and better quality of life are the targets I wish to pursue by paralleling psychological palliative care. These results are reminiscent of the project objective to oversee pain experiences in patients who are facing terminal illness and the provision of psychological treatment. These levels show us what can be achieved in the organization for improved psychological palliative care for culturally diverse patients equally. Initial results create a framework that can ensure that quality care is offered, the safety of therapy is enhanced, and patients experience a good journey with care by promoting patient-centered care rather than disease-centered care.

Creating an Evaluation Plan

I will use questionnaires and survey forms as research tools that can help me determine and analyze the extent of achievement of the outcomes. For the measurement of the outcome, I shall require the details of the patients, which include their experiences while taking treatment, the quality of treatment that was rendered to them, the strategies that were used in the management of pain symptoms by the team, and the discrimination that was exercised on the patients based on cultural and racial differences before and after the realization of the interventional plan. They will be used as both digital and non-digital means of data collection: Digitally, data will be received during the group discussion or by creating a Google group to support the research. In contrast, non-digital data will be obtained while creating questionnaires through paper and pen.

The data can be analyzed and evaluated using an adequate number of surveys and questionnaires. The data to be collected will be classified in Microsoft Excel for analysis later on. The evaluation plan will then highlight how APK is effective in treating the terminally ill through differences in the quality of the treatment offered, equality of health care to culturally diverse patients, and efficiency of the therapy around symptoms.


  • Advocacy

Specifically, the hospice nurses/palliative care nurses are linked to the contingent of rendering the care to the patients. Only nurses fully conversant with patients’ needs, requirements, and practices minimize the development of pain symptoms. These groups of nurses can alter change, care, or practice when there is interprofessional teamwork through collaborative and transformational leadership to brief the teams on the patients’ needs or requirements for the therapy and how they respond to it. These nurses lead change and transformation that enhances quality and experience for patients, families, colleagues, and staff in the professional practice arena and interprofessional teams by engaging and empowering others for shared decision-making in role development. This assists in decreasing individual pressure or load, fosters collaboration to prevent mistakes, and allows for safe, high-quality care for the patient, increasing a patient’s satisfaction (Alsabri et al., 2022).

The intervention plans enhance the nursing profession and nurses’ role in leadership and organizational development. They also address the intricacies of interprofessional relations by improving the positive outcomes of pain symptom management among patients with terminal illnesses. Patients receiving care and treatment from hospice or palliative care nurses can benefit from interacting with all healthcare providers from different fields for better-exchanging information and coordinated interdisciplinary care.

The intervention plan, on the other hand, has gains and benefits in the following areas of the health care field: The area that psychological palliative care will bring aboard is the reduction of the pain symptoms that patients go through as a result of their illnesses without going through the Radiation therapy usual painful procedures.

Future Steps

Consequently, fixed-site high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (FS_TENS) and opioid analgesics are to help in the better treatment of patients by enhancing access to healthcare. Including these two in the current intervention plan will enhance the plan’s overall effectiveness as it reduces pain symptoms and improves the quality of life. Innovations like FS-TENS would help ease discomfort by giving electrical signals (with wearable devices); thus, they would lessen the pain impulses in the chronically ill.

Additionally, its implementation introduces Virtual Reality and FS-TENS into the intervention plan, bringing in modern-day technology that helps decrease performance related to pain symptoms. Choosing these emerging and newer technologies will also assist in minimizing the pain that the patients could be experiencing and managing the same for the enhancement of duration. This will heighten the execution of the interventional plan more significantly (Martimbianco et al., 2019).

If these emerging care models are incorporated, the success of the intervention plan and projects and patients’ safety will be enhanced. These models are pretty safe to use and almost possess no adverse effects. They are noninvasive and contribute towards alleviating pain – its symptoms and risk factors – hence enhancing the quality of patient care and safety.

Reflection on Leading Change and Improvements

I am more efficient in my practice and my future leadership by being able to implement the intervention plan. I also developed my communication and collaboration skills with other interdisciplinary healthcare team members to provide patients with competent, equal, patient-centered, and quality care, e which helped me transform into the leader I wanted to be. I have benefitted from the project by becoming an effective leader and introducing the intervention plan in the hospital where I work. Identifying and developing intervention as a change in the healthcare setting will contribute to a better standard of care, satisfaction, safety, and experience in every aspect, in addition to the quality and economics of the facility.

The critical change suggestion to support the implementation of the intervention plan is to propose the plan to the owners and investors of the hospitals where I currently practice and provide care. The intervention plan is aimed at a patient’s pain, and the evidence for improving the levels of pain reported by the patient will also be shown. The details on how an intervention plan will be introduced in the hospital will be proposed.  In terms of expenses, the hospital was willing to facilitate the intervention plan without spending on the hospital’s finances; hence, no pressure was exerted on the hospital. In addition, with patient satisfaction, more patients are likely to access therapy from the hospital, which will enhance the hospital’s hospital’s economic and f

My intervention is feasible in another healthcare setting since it will be embraced almost immediately. It becomes necessary to develop an intervention plan to handle or alleviate pain symptoms so that they fit into any care environment. The overall addressable pain symptoms strategies may be implemented in any care setting. An example of the intervention plan being implemented in a care setting is helpful in the management of patients who have a mental illness and are diagnosed with symptoms such as depression or schizophrenia. The intervention strategy might help her keep her calm and achieve a psychological release.

Integration Of Writing Feedback

In this last work, I incorporated what the earlier assessments taught me about writing assumptions and other professional points of view. This ensures that the practicum experience corresponds to the capstone project, which explicitly relates to hospice/end-stage disease patients and incorporates pain symptom-palliative care interventions.

Completion of Hours Toward Practicum Experience

I wrote my 20 practicum hours on patients with terminal illnesses. I frequently monitor them closely for their vital signs and look out for signs of pain. For this assignment, I worked with the interdisciplinary care team in the health system to ensure that all patients were given proper and quality care. The healthcare professionals provided suggestions on interacting with patients suffering from terminal illnesses. It was a success because the interprofessional collaborative learning facilitated helped me acquire broad information about psychological palliative care. They advised me that it is equally essential for palliative care to incorporate factors of Cognitive therapy and Stress management therapy while treating such patients. The main goal of the design plan was to ensure that medical personnel would be able to offer the patients some form of comfort since they were so near death.


Hence, while comparing both the mediums of treatment, it can be stated that psychologically guiding the patients through the end of their lives proves to be a better painkiller than the bodily treatment with medications that are part of pharmaceutical therapy. Studies demonstrate that patients suffering from terminal illnesses extend their lives with quality by optimizing pain inhibitors in place of traditional palliative care.
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