
NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 2 Stakeholder Meeting

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NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 2

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Hi! My name is XYZ, and I will present information concerning the general introduction and adoption of EHR within Vila Health.

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  • Stakeholder Meeting

The stakeholder meeting will be held to briefly present the different factors concerning the adoption of EHR in Vila Health. The subject of the meeting would be to introduce the EHR system and its advantages, as well as to let the stakeholders know that the EHR system will attempt to get to the following areas: near-miss events and adverse events and deliver excellent and safe patient care (Holmgren et al ., 2020).

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  • Key Stakeholders

The stakeholders are divided into two types: We can broadly divide tools into external and internal. This study confirms that stakeholders play significant roles in the overall success of the EHR system implementation process. They approve/disapprove strategies that influence how plans are executed within the organization. This means that all actions can go forward with their affirmation.

The major players who must attend a technology acquisition meeting include the hospital owners, members of the boards of directors, local and international Investors such as pharmaceutical industries, Healers such as pharmacists, nurses, physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, Administrators including managers, Information Technologists, Sales Executives, and other managers among others. These (owners, investors, and board of directors) were selected because they have a say in implementing the plan.

This decision involves approval or rejection of EHR implementation in the hospital, as noted by Maurer et al. (2022). However, the primary factor that, either positively or negatively, may impact the project’s success is that healthcare providers are tasked with using EHR systems to prevent near-miss and adverse events. While implementing the EHR system, the healthcare providers’ approach matters a lot as they can also detect and pre-empt incidents that harm patients’ lives (Khairat et al., 2020).

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  • Who Will Champion the Project

The physician will champion the project within the department. Furthermore, nursing informaticists or IT specialists are best positioned to help healthcare providers transition to using new technology (EHR) systems.

These individuals are proficient in using technological aids and have undergone numerous courses and certifications regarding their practical use. They are also present within the healthcare organization to help healthcare providers solve queries and ambiguities regarding the use of technology, as it is their responsibility.

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  • Draft a Meeting Announcement and Agenda

The meeting agenda will revolve around the benefits of introducing the EHR system and how it will minimize healthcare disparities caused by preventable errors. It will be held in the Vila Health conference room during the third week of February at 10 AM sharp, and all the key stakeholders will be present.

Purpose and Scope of the Meeting

The presentation will take place in the conference room at Vila Health, and all the other parties of interest will be at the venue.

Making the intent and range of the meeting clear, the objectives are the following: Raise the quality and safety of care provided, decrease medication-related problems such as potential DDI or OD, decrease the readmission rate of the patients within 30 days, anticipate the possible age group of patients which may be at a specific risk to develop a particular disease variation due to genetic differences or co-morbidities and lastly, assess the process of healthcare delivery to The will be to concentrate on how the different EHR system will be used by the nurse’s key caregivers who act as the patient data collectors and enterers who analyze the trend to identify the potential cause of healthcare disparities to highlight areas that led to poor healthcare delivery to the patients. Some of the EHR system training activities to be implemented are periodic workshops and lectures, which will be held to train the nurses on ways of engaging the EHR system (Ting et al., 2021).

Besides this, another point under discussion in this meeting is the need to safeguard the patient’s information and the prerequisites of patient confidentiality. The matters of concern in the agenda will include collaboration within the healthcare sector to ensure that the EHR system works effectively.

The EHR system is also expected to enhance patient compliance with the healthcare plan and the regime since patients’ health will be closely monitored to evaluate their condition and readiness for treatment (Garich & Peltonen, 2022). Peculiar to the terms of an agenda, the aspects to be marked, motivated, and discussed are well outlined in this agenda list. This checklist will help in the arrangements to make sure that almost all the issues of concern will be addressed in the meeting and nearly everything will be noticed.


The meeting agenda assumes that healthcare providers need to learn how to integrate healthcare with technology and be proficient in establishing the relationship between the data to predict the trends of healthcare disparities in the specific patient population (Aguirre et al., 2019). Hence, the healthcare providers will be educated through conferences and sessions.

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  • New Technology to Enhance Patient Outcomes and Organizational Effectiveness

One of the broad objectives of the EHR system implementation will be enhancing patient health outcomes through patient-centered, safe, and quality care. Increasing patient satisfaction and decreasing the rates of readmission will benefit Vila Health in terms of social, financial, and economic status.

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  •  Goals of the Plan

The SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals of the plan include the following: The SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals of the plan include the following:

In this case, Hofstra Northwell will establish an objective based on the indicators of medication error rate and 30-day readmission rates.

More specifically, the following goal can be set: After 30 days of the EHR system, implementation of the new EHR system (time-bound) will effectively reduce the medication error rates as well as the 30-day readmission rates of the patient (specific, measurable).

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The standard of care and safe delivery of the patient’s care will improve (measurable, feasible, and significant) because the implemented EHR system has a warning and alarm system, which enhances its relevance. If effectively implemented, it will eradicate adverse and near-miss events (specific, measurable).

The percentage of patient satisfaction will rise (attainable) by delivering cost-efficient, patient-oriented, and secure care services (relevant and quantifiable).

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  • Capabilities of Technology

The degree to which the EHR system is significantly capable of attending to the priorities can be evidenced by its relative effectiveness in addressing the outcomes of the agenda. Yes, it can deliver quality and safe care based on the built and updated artificial intelligence system that may be designed to evaluate the interaction that should be offered by observing the patient’s history and current state/ prescribed medications.

EHR systems can also process prominent data aspects and forecast the healthcare inequality of the patients. In addition to this, it can react to events that may be negative or when there is an emergency, such as an accident. It can also guard against injury on the patient’s side by instituting exemplary signals for the practitioners and other caregivers. Thus, the technology is geared towards enhancing the value proposition of the quality and safety of patients being treated.

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  • Criteria for Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness

Another assessment tool that can be employed in the context of the organization is the PDSA cycle, which aids in the evaluation of the EHR system. Consequently, the data can be gleaned from the EHR system to evaluate and quantify the decrease in the number of medication errors, adverse events, near-miss events, and readmission rates of the patient, in addition to the decreased mortality and morbidity rate of the patients.

The findings will show how beneficial the EHR system is, how providers employ them well, whether the health care service aligns with the technology, and what health benefits patients receive. When data fail to align with this hypothesis, adjustments will be made right from this point to enhance the efficiency of the EHR system. Organizational goals linked to achieving the overall objectives include improving the ease of use of the EHR system for healthcare providers (McNicholas et al., 2019).

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  • Identify Outcome Measures

The following consequences can expose external and internal quality and safety results. Health care Electronic communication between the various health care providers. Decrease experience of evil occurrences and close calls

Reduced readmission rates

More patient adherence to health care management plans/ regimens. With a decrease in the number of patients accessing health care after some time, it becomes essential to do so.

The following is an example of evaluating the effectiveness of the recommendations: Increased access to remote monitoring services. In this case, reducing the cost of therapy means that more patients can undergo a specific treatment, implying that the utilization level of healthcare services will likely improve the reduction of medication errors precipitated by blurry or faint prescriptions resulting from poor handwriting.

NURS FPX 6214 Assessment 2 Stakeholder Meeting

Patient satisfaction will also bring in more customers for the other health issues that may affect them now or in the future (Adane et al., 2019).

The data for the outcome measures comes from happy patients who are discharged after safe, quality, and patient-centered health care services. This also means decreased rates of readmission within the first 30 days after discharge, which is beneficial for patients and increases their compliance with the services provided.

Quality of Existing Data

The state of the existing data might have been better than the new technologies implemented. From the current statistics, medication errors have increased because of misdiagnosis, poor handwriting by the prescriber, wrong dosage, and wrong drug being administered due to dispensing or administration mistakes.

Reading through the data highlights a case of high 30-day readmission rates for patients occasions through improper guidelines. Lack of communication and coordination between the patient’s doctors and pharmacists complicated the patient’s improper utilization of the prescription to improve her health.

In addition to this, there was a signal of decreased patient satisfaction due to rising mortality and morbidity levels. The results highlighted patients’ non-adherence to the optimal health standards and the worsening affluence status of the hospital.

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  • Patient Confidentially and Privacy Concerns

Security Concerns

Some of the patient security concerns that will be raised include patient details that will be divulged to other people, such as the patient’s record, name, and /or ID number, amongst others. Patients will also take time to determine whether their information will be secure from theft and other forms of exposure after the institution of the EHR system. Issues related to security issues like misuse of the patient’s identity, identity theft, and forgery all supplement the patient’s privacy and confidentiality.

Allay the Concerns

To counter the above concerns, some measures that will be implemented include using VPNs (Virtual et al. ), double verification for accounts, and only permission for access granted through authorized personnel. Health, insurance, and other types of portability and security will involve implementing the HIPAA (Health et al. Act) and ITECH (Health et al. for Economic and Clinical Health Act) guidelines regarding the privacy and confidential nature of the information.

These guidelines will help to set up some measure of protection for patient information. They will ensure those who breach the above guidelines will be charged hefty fines ranging from something equivalent to 51000 dollars to as high as one million dollars, besides being faced with life imprisonment.

The EHR system employs a set of unique codes to transfer the patient’s information; this prevents encryption and, therefore, security of the patient’s information. This implies that it plays a significant role in enhancing the sales of the EHR system (Rosenbloom et al., 2019).

Knowledge Gaps

A lack of measures that allow healthcare providers to avoid patients’ information theft can have immediate, severe repercussions for patients. Another issue is the threats to privacy and confidentiality posed by having EHR access for all persons within the healthcare setting, which endangers the patients’ sensitive information.

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  • Steps and Timeline

The following steps will be taken for the implementation of the plan: The following steps will be taken for the implementation of the plan:

Formulation of the Plan and Approaching and Approving the Plan (Time 48 hours least) Deployment of Resources and Responsibility Matrix (This timeframe should be two days). Installation and Implementation time for the EHR System will take approximately 7-14 days.

Healthcare providers can learn about  (14 days) through conferences and sessions. Evaluation of the achievement of the Plan with a benchmark for timeliness (45 days after the implementation of the EHR System)


The given timeline is the basic one and implies that an additional period will be adequate to eliminate possible failures or slowness in the system implementation. The timeline helps defend the learning curve that healthcare providers need to have to hit the ground running and operate the EHR system proficiently.

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  • Conclusion

Durin, the proposed agenda points during the meeting include the relevance, advantages, and prospects of the EHR system, as well as the existing problems of healthcare that are responsible for the results of healthcare and medical facilities work. The system also enhance the hospital’s social, financial, and economic status and reduce existing healthcare inequity.

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  • Reference

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