
NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Critical Appraisal of Evidence-Based Literature

Critical Appraisal of Evidence-Based Literature

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 imperative to examine potential risks of health hazards and take precautions to avoid them in patient care environments. The role of the Director of Clinical Operations and Nursing Excellence is to lead clinical excellence initiatives that deliver nursing best practices and protocols across the medical centre and maintain high standards of safety and quality. The type of evidence-based literature selected for this assessment is one in which the critical selection and analysis of literature are centred on findings that support effective interventions on a defined issue relevant to patient safety.

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This process is essentially the core of evidence based practice (EBP) wherein the value of recommendations and implication of evidence based on scholarly publications is subjected to a series of critical quality checks. The patient safety issue under consideration requires a critical and comprehensive review of contemporary sources in search of potential solutions or interventions. The EBP framework suggests having concrete tools for the appraisal of evidence, and these entail the ability to determine the credibility and applicability of research findings, which will aid decision making. This assessment emphasises the need to source interventions for children with mental illness from evidence-based practice but also to take into account the intervention’s potential feasibility in the organisation, organisational readiness and any potential barriers to implementation.

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Introduction Paragraph

Healthcare safety is an issue that is likely to keep arising as the field of healthcare seeks to remove all potential risks to patients. It is my responsibility as the Director of Clinical Operations and Nursing Excellence to enforce practices and protocols that support evidence-based care that enhances health and prevents harm in our medical centre (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). This assessment is about critically analysing evidence-based literature with respect to a particular patient safety issue and arriving at evidence-based interventions of effective interventions based on research of sound quality.

This process is consistent with some of the fundamental principles of EBP: Wherein the importance, quality, and applicability of articles and/or other resources are scrutinized regarding how it can be used to improve clinical outcomes. The selected patient safety issue for this assignment relates to high-risk medications that occur due to the administration of medications to pediatric patients in our hospital.

PICOT Research

The PICOT research question guiding this inquiry is as follows: The following PICOT question defines the population of interest, intervention, comparison, outcome, and timeframe: “In pediatric patients receiving high-alert medications within our hospital (P), how does the implementation of electronic medication administration systems (I) compared to manual medication administration processes (C) affect the incidence of medication errors (O) in six months (T)?” This question covers all the areas for the purpose of the evaluation of interventions regarding the improvement of medication safety.

This paper details a systematic review and critical appraisal of the most recent scholarly literature related to the identified patient safety concern to determine evidence-based interventions that offer the most promise in addressing the problem. Incorporating the results from quality systematic reviews, our ultimate goal is to design interventions that are theoretically plausible as well as clinically realistic in our medical institutions. The central argument presented in this paper is that the creation of effective intervention strategies based on evidence and developed specifically for use in our organisation will lead to a significant improvement in the rates of medication errors and the general safety of surgical children admitted to the organisation.

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Critical Appraisal Tool

When scrutinizing the literature for the purposes of this paper, the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses is applied as the selected tool. NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist is an evaluation tool for the level of methodological quality and rigor of research studies including Systematic Reviews and Primary research Syntheses of evidence (Moola et al. , 2020). It includes a broad range of factors from the quality of the study design to methodology and data analysis to again factors in the interpretation part of a study that can easily determine the exact strength and weaknesses of a particular study.

 Reason for Choosing the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist

The choice to implement the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist is based on its observed reliability and validity and its broad relevance to deliver structures in the healthcare setting. It is one of the most important tools that Joanna Briggs Institute backed up at the same time it has a standardized approach for critically appraising literature. Also, the checklist is developed by different guidelines to assess specific criteria that can be used to evaluate both quantitative and qualitative research. Additionally, the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist is consistent with the philosophy of EBP as it focuses on the question of how the applicable research was conducted. NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 tool also serves the purpose of identifying high-quality evidence through a systematic evaluation of evidence available on the literature.

Summarizing the Study Purpose, Method, Design, Results, and Context

There have been many significant body of literature which has helped shed light on some of the issues surrounding medication safety in the pediatric care units. Another study was a prospective RCT to test the effect of an educational program on medication errors among children hospitalized in a medical teaching hospital (Khosravi et al. , 2018). The results of this study emphasise that training and education for healthcare professionals is an essential strategy for the improvement in medication administration practices as well as reduction in errors. There is another qualitative study that discusses the things that lead to medication errors in children and found out there are systemic issues like a faulty communication and increases in workload (Johnson & Williams, 2021).

Finally, NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 study recommended that there was a need for interventions that took into accounts the larger picture including the context of the incident and not just the individual errors. Furthermore, a quasi-experimental study measured the effects of the use of BCMA technology in pediatric inpatient units to identify if it reduced the rate of medication errors, and the research found that the goal was achieved (Brown et al. , 2020). The optimization of technology in medication safety to improve patient safety was seen as the strategy for sustainable change.

In addition, a prospective cohort study examined how the multi-disciplinary team approach can be used to improve pediatric medication safety in hospital environment with respect to preventing medication errors in children and the role of collaboration among healthcare personnel Girard et al . , 2019). Third, recent research using chart review identified an association between nurse staffing and medication errors in pediatric units which highlighted the significance of appropriate nurse staffing for patient safety (Jones & Martinez, 2021). Collectively, these studies develop an integrative knowledge of medication safety concerns in pediatrics and use research to support evidence-based interventions to improve care quality and safety for children.

Resource Quality Using the Critical Appraisal Tool

Study 1: Study Critique The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Randomized Controlled Trials tool

It was used to assess the methodological quality of the Nurse-led intervention study. The study was accompanied by a sound research design which included adequate randomization, masking of stable and result adjudicators and secret allocation. For instance, Smith et al. (2022) described the randomization process including how the allocation of the participants was done to make sure that they were allocated to the intervention and control groups as cleanly as possible. I would like to point out that corruption is a result-based factor and the chosen methods of data collection correspond to it: for example, the study measured the number of medication errors. This is in line with the earlier studies that have suggested that education can be employed to improve medication safety among healthcare professionals.

 Study 2: The use of qualitative research: Factors that are related to medication errors

The use of qualitative method of inquiry was judged based on the list of appraisal criteria for qualitative research which was outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Johnson & Williams (2021) also referred to the advantage of this method in the context of methodological rigor as it explained that they used the appropriate type of data collection in this method such as semi-structured interview to explore the experience of healthcare professionals. NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 The stage of semantic analysis was performed by subject saturation and within the framework of the subjects. Another way to ensure the credibility and dependability of this study is to subject the results of the study to members checking and peer debriefing to confirm the quality of the study. A question is as follows: To what extent do these methodological strategies align with the protocol for conducting high-quality qualitative research (Guest et al.  , 2020) with the purpose of ensuring the rigour and reliability of the research findings?

Intervention that Addresses the Patient Safety Issue within a Clinical or Health Care Setting

NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 Proposal for Intervention

            Considering that the identified patient safety issue pertains to medication errors involving pediatric patients, one of the evidence-based solutions that also seems appropriate to be applied is introducing a barcode technology for administration of drugs – BCMA. BCMA technology relies on the deployment of barcode scanning solutions to check for medication administration at the bedside to prevent incidences of medication errors like wrong dosages, wrong medication given to a patient, or wrong patient being accessed to get a medication (Brown et al., 2020). This intervention relates to the problem of medication errors, and it presents a chance for enhancement within health care structures.

 Evidence-Based Analysis

            Martin and Griffin have shown that BCMA technology can significantly decrease medication errors in children. For example, Brown and his co-authors (2020) have recently published a quasi-experimental sample that focuses on the analysis of the impact of the BCMA technology on the medication error rates in pediatric inpatient units. BCMA: The results of this study demonstrated a huge decrease in scanned errors and errors after the use of BCMA technology and that the technology was deemed appropriate for enhancing medication safety and curbing the incidence of adverse events caused by medical errors. In addition, the paper recognises that adopting the BCMA technology aims to address problems that contribute to medication errors in pediatric settings, as reported in the literature review, communication breakdown, workload pressures, and training issues (Johnson & Williams, 2021). Through its ability to conduct real-time checks on prescriptions and offer immediate feedback or warnings in the case of possible errors, BCMA technology means that less reliance is placed on manual processes that require human input and are subject to human error that can affect the accuracy of medication administration.


In summary, NURS FPX 8030 Assessment 3 critical appraisal has enhanced the understanding of the patient safety problem in the pediatric population in regards to medication errors. It is after the quality assessment of these recently conducted studies that we have been able to establish promising interventions that can be used to tackle this concern – by using appropriate appraisal tools such as Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist. Research addressing nurse-informed educational programs related to medication issues, qualitative analysis of clinical intervention factors associated with medication errors, the performance of BCMA equipment, interdisciplinary collaboration, and nursing staff – medication error rates links have helped to define the problem of medication safety among children in medical institutions. The results of these studies reinforce the importance of continued education and training for health care professionals, the necessity of comprehensive approaches to the problem of drug safety that should be aimed not only at the flaw of a single healthcare operator but also on eliminating the systemic factors of medication safety, and the role of the high technologies in enhancing the safety of provision of drug services.


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