
NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 3 Doctoral Project Report

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NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 3

Project Summary Report

Friendly talks through telehealth such as those through the development of technology have come a long way in enhancing the delivery of healthcare especially to the rural areas. To begin, the study aims at addressing the topic Telehealth and its relationship with patient satisfaction in rural areas. The hypothesis of the current study is that the Telehealth treatments can enhance the patient satisfaction especially among patients in the rural areas.

To be more precise, far-away locations often don’t provide many options of a different kind of health care to choose from. Telehealth may be useful in this process but more data is lacking on the effectiveness of this intervention (Smith and colleagues, 2020). The rationale for this study is that there is a pending need for additional information on the type of studies published with regard to employing telemedicine in health care facilities located in distant regions.

Another area that hasn’t been studied much in this study that is brought up in the problem statement: and patient satisfaction levels in these areas as identified by Johnson and Green (2019) for the video. This study could have some implication in policy and that makes it an area of research for Telehealth services important.

Background and Organization Gap Analysis

Hence, telehealth is considered one of the most unique areas within a healthcare system today, particularly when used to address the needs of a population struggling to get to a healthcare facility in person but requires medical attention. Telehealth thus assists in this by allowing occasions, doctors’ appointments and continuous monitoring to be conducted without physical contact.

It does increase the accessibility and flexibility of the health care service (Smith et al. , 2020). Ensuring access to health in remote regions is a challenge as a large number of patients exist, a few doctors are available, and the availability of tools is limited. These things suggest the children in such a place are at a greater risk of being or becoming less healthy or having worse health than children in cities.

Telehealth has been much hyped due to decentralising the healthcare services and bringing patient-centered care at the patient’s doorstep, however, literature on urban satisfaction with the services delivered under telehealth in rural areas is limited. Prior studies yielded qualified results at best.

While there are some researches that state that telehealth may make a positive impact on use and patient outcomes, there are many researches that identified problems telehealth implementation through describing technical concerns, lack of internet access, and patient preferences against new technologies (Lee & Thompson, 2019).

Due to the above disparities, therefore there is a need to undertake a solution-based comparison to establish how much telemedicine has availed for the healthcare organizations in the rural area with one of theconstants being patient satisfaction levels.

Significance of the Practice Problem

The principles and practice of telehealth are now integrated into the delivery of health care in the modern economy for those who are geographically dispersed, particularly in rural areas and lack adequate facilities for regular face-to-face attendances. There are a few critical aspects or factors that make the practice problem that the study focuses on important.

In this study, the area that was considered was how effective telemedicine is as a practice in GSCs, or the degree to which patient satisfaction is realized in rural settings, which is relevant in various ways. First, there are not adequate health care personal, not enough health facilities and ‘‘popcorn’’ HHS in rural areas and lastly it is difficult to access health facilities. This, therefore, explains why people from rural areas are worse off in terms of health compared to those from urban areas (Johnson & Green, 2019).

One issue that telehealth can address is the issue of service delivery that is often bound by things like location and this mean people living in remote areas are unable to get quality healthcare despite the availability of the technology (Smith et al. , 2020). What is even more concerning about this problem though is that research has indicated that the level of satisfaction the patient has exercises an influence on the health of the said patient. More Patient Engagement, Greater Patient Autonomy or self-management and improved patient outcomes associate positively with the Happiness levels of the patients (Lee & Thompson, 2019).

In order to add to an understanding of what makes telehealth work throughout rural provisions, it was also requisite to identify which of the things pertaining to patients and how comprehensive telehealth services are may contribute to the extent of patient satisfaction.

Quality Improvement Framework

They are mostly related to telehealth and whether it leads to increased patient satisfaction in rural health facilities in the United States. The telehealth services delivery model applies the Quality Improvement (QI) Framework, which is a method intended to enhance the quality of those services.

For this reason, the QI framework contains the standards provided below:

The following are the usual best practices, with a focus on a constant process of enhancement and the use of evidence in contexts where rural health systems they are struggling with their work (Brown et al. , 2021). The following basic diverse framework works with a variety of models. Of these, possibly, the best is familiar with known as action of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) development cycle. The changes are made repeatedly and checked sometimes in this cycle, it is thus informed by data, specifically for rural health care needs (Garcia et al. , 2020).

The initial stage of the cycle is to identify and plan. For telehealth, specific tasks are defined in a bid to enhance satisfaction from patients. A health care facility may use this information to decide on improving patient and care provider surveys, and other surveys on stakeholders of the health care facility.

NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 3 Doctoral Project Report

In the ‘Do’ part, measures are applied in enhancing the teaching of health care professionals, acquisition of appropriate and up to date tools in telemedicine support and enhancing the patients’ awareness on the existing programmes and choices. Their purpose, as such, is to enhance the overall satisfaction with the telehealth services amongst the patients and to bridge what is regarded as the gaps in services offered to the patients (Walker et al. , 2019).

The study employed numbers to establish things finding out matters such as: how satisfied patients are with the interventions; how frequently they are used and some other information from patients and health care workers.

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Project Description

The purpose of the current practical graduate study is to identify what aspects and consequences of telemedicine contribute to the level of satisfaction of patients in rural areas with health care. Often, RHAs lack human resources, tangible resources, and simply cash, which are essential to the facility’s functioning.

This is made worse by the fact that majority of their patients are from the rural areas and well-being in these regions have lower health outcomes compared to urban regions (Johnson & Green, 2019). Thus, telemedicine can help reduce or even eliminate such disparities in access, as it provides people an opportunity to receive medical care without actually going somewhere. This means that the reach of the services is made easier for the individuals who dwell in distant areas (Smith et al. , 2020).

The primary purpose of this coordinated approach of employing mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology is to determine the level of satisfaction of clients in terms of telehealth services in rural areas. But one of the health care quality is perceived happiness which ensures that patients continue to follow through they complete compliance to their doctors orders and get better health outcomes (Lee & Thompson, 2019). The main idea of this project, therefore, remains the same as the original goal of making patients happy; this intervention seeks to gather more effective knowledge pertaining to the usefulness of telehealth technology among people in rural areas.

In particular, the study uses a mixed-methods research design to try to reach the following goals: After using a telehealth service at a rural health center, patients were asked to self-report relative satisfaction levels.

This is how quantitative data was gathered Quantitative data was collected in the following manner:

These polls’ purpose is to determine how satisfied the patient is with the telehealth service concerning its usability, service or treatment, communication with healthcare professionals, and overall satisfaction with the given service (Garcia et al. , 2020). About the second method of data collection, it is crucial to explain that the data collecting process should be completed with more profound interviews with patients and doctors. These would provide you with a lot of insight on what they have gone through, what they think of the idea, and how the telehealth system could be improved.

Project Evaluation Results

The purpose of the study ranged on knowing how satisfied people are. The above findings on telemedicine in rural areas show that there are positive improvements that make observers and receivers believe that telemedicine is a practical model of healthcare delivery applicable to rural regions. The authors employed an online survey as a quantitative research method whereby 250 patients who had engaged in telehealth in one way or the other at diverse rural health centers completed self-administered questionnaires. There are concerns that episodes of SAD may trigger other disorders, including major depressive episodes, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and comorbid pervasive developmental disorders.

As per the numeric data analysis, an average of 84% of customers indicated very high satisfaction levels to video services. Patients also reported something that they liked; it was the telemedicine, particularly home care as this eliminated the need and costs associated with driving (Smith et al. , 2020).

Using the number of participants divided by the sum of the study participants divided by two, the average happiness score was 4. The study also had a mean score of five from five which is an indication that people in the rural area are willing to adopt the use of telehealth (Garcia et al. , 2020).

In the quantitative aspect of the research, both 30 patients and 15 healthcare managers were interviewed using semi structured conversation. The following topics were identified in the course of the sector interviews The following topics were identified in the course of the sector interviews Several topics resulted from the sector interviews, as noted below.

The patients in the study appreciated the ease with which telehealth avails then to their health services providers and also “telehealth made them more responsible because instead of meeting in the facility they were given more time and frequent appointments to follow up their meetings” (Lee & Thompson, 2019).

A way that healthcare providers said that this delivery model assisted enabled them to monitor the status of the patients and provide them with care often. They also noted that clients with frozen shoulders Diabetic and other ailments that caused them a lot of difficulty in mobilizing benefited from the trampoline beds.

Discussion and Implication for Nursing and Health Care

Hence, from findings of the present study, the nursing and healthcare affiliated services are shifting towards a broader category of the nursing practice. This is happening at a time when there is more centralization of traditional face to face care services, and less in-person care is being accessed, particularly in rural areas.

Experiencing patient satisfaction that is much higher than what was observed in this study, telehealth has been viewed as a potential solution to challenges associated with accessing healthcare in these areas.

The impact of telehealth delivered as intended has the following concerns:

Telehealth may alter the typical manner through which nurses attend to patients. The main ideas that this paper will be based on about nurses’ roles in telehealth are as follows: Originally developed to save costs, the nurses educate the patients and attend to them by monitoring them through a video, clinical examinations, and involving patients in their care (Lee & Thompson, 2019). With advancement in the utilization of telehealth, nurses are required to be trained and tailored to fit the required healthcare instruments necessary to advance the delivery of telehealth to the patients.

Furthermore, telehealth allows the nurses to be inventive and apply techniques originating from other fields in their practice. This is because; while nurses working in developed areas lack support from other professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, social workers amongst others in order to offer whole patient care, those working in rural areas can easily gain assistance from them in order to offer comprehensive patient care (Walker et al. , 2019).

The first reason is that it is highly important When undertaking cost reduction strategies, the variables that you need to determine are: Whenever there are changes in prices or if one is to embark on a cost reduction program, they should consider the following: The first is that the health care needs of these clients that are residing in these rural areas of plains are complex and call for a synergy. Second, to ensure that every rural patient’s health status is given the recognition it deserves, thereby enhancing the quality of the health services being offered. Third, it is because enhancing the health of the rural clients entails a capacity for change that seeks to benefit a class of people residing in such places.


Overall, I learned a great deal about the concept of patient satisfaction in rural health care context involving telemedicine during my doctoral project. Based on the patient feedbacks obtained in this study, most of the patients said that they were very satisfied with their telehealth services hence implying that telehealth could be used as a solution to the healthcare related issues in the rural areas.

During various telehealth uses, underserved communities can receive better care, become more engaged in their own care, and have an easier time with access to care particularly in rural regions. A lot of important problems have to be resolved before telehealth can be effectively applied and used stably in rural areas. An issue is that the infrastructure may not be perfect and at times, there may be network issues or bugs in regards to the user interface of the technology which reduces the utility of telehealth services for patient satisfaction.

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