
Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment

Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment

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o Prepare:

Review the Resources and reflect on a time when you experienced a patient being brought into (or not being brought into) a decision regarding their treatment plan.
Review the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute’s Decision Aids Inventory at

Links to an external site..

Choose “For Specific Conditions,” then Browse an alphabetical listing of decision aids by health topic.

After you have chosen a topic (or condition) and a decision aid, consider if social determinants of health


Links to an external site. were considered in the treatment plan Social determinants of health can affect a patient’s decision as these are conditions in the patient’s environment, such as economic stability, education access, health care access and quality, neighborhood, and social and community context. Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment

Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences, social determinants of health

Links to an external site., and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.

(Please Note: The underlined “social determinants of health” in the above content is meant to hotlink to the following Walden webpage and content:

Social Determinants of Health – Social Determinants of Health – Academic Guides at Walden
Links to an external site.University)

Three months ago, when I was on night shift duty, I found myself taking care of a Tuberculosis patient. The patient was also managing liver cancer. The patient’s prognosis was quite unsatisfactory because he also had metastatic liver cancer. The condition had affected nearly every part of her body, the brain included. Besides that, it was strange that the patient was not aware of the condition she was suffering from. The caregivers, her family, in particular, had chosen to hide the information from her. To my discovery, they had informed her that her condition had not improved because of Tuberculosis. Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment

While I am an English-speaking nurse (though I also understand French), the patient did not speak or understand English. Because of this, I noted that the family would translate what they deemed necessary. Sometimes, they would even fabricate a story to suit their message. This is true because I understand French. As the doctor spoke, I translated. Somewhat, they would interrupt me and continue with the translation. This case presented an ethical puzzle I had not experienced before because the doctor in charge wanted to inform the patient about what was happening and discuss medical alternatives to undertake. Sadly, the family would not allow him to proceed. More so, code status also was to be handled, but still, the family intervened.

Three days later, the doctor, while attending to the patient, luckily found the patient alone. The family had left for lunch. Here, the doctor spoke with the patient and narrated to her about what was occurring. Although the patient’s family fondly loved her, they committed a big mistake. Even with the social determinants of health in mind, the doctor wished to talk about shared decision-making (SDM), which translates to a process where the doctor in charge of a patient and the patient chat about medical alternatives, likely results, issues that can go wrong, and sometimes the patient’s desires (van et al., 2023)Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment .

From my observation, the patient was still attentive, coherent, oriented, and able to decide without any difficulty. The family wanted her to fight the Tuberculosis, and then they would inform her about the cancer she was suffering from, though I frankly think he did not make it so long. Such an experience can be tormenting- seeing a family undergo such terrifying pain (Montori et al.,2023). Nevertheless, as healthcare experts, we have pledged to safeguard our patients and also cause no harm.  Usually, patients more engaged in their healthcare, understand the outcome of every decision, and are so ready to try new medical interventions are in a better position to manage their cases and are likely to undergo less decision-making contention (Sheeran et al.,2023)Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment .

At the end of this, the doctor and I had time to examine the code status with our patient. To my surprise, the patient wished to remain a full code. She was just 39 years old. Generally, code status is a private decision, and family is normally against DNR orders (Shinkunas et al., 2020). Because of this, patient and physician discussions are usually important.  I find the Ottawa personal decision guide an essential tool for matters that are not as extreme as that of the patient I was managing. This tool is a great resource, and I would be glad to recommend it to other patients or caregivers interested. Certainly, they would reap from the questionnaire and decide based on their circumstances. Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment



Sheeran, N., Jones, L., Pines, R., Jin, B., Pamoso, A., Eigeland, J., & Benedetti, M. (2023). How culture influences patient preferences for patient-centered care with their doctors. Journal of Communication in Healthcare16(2), 186-196.

Shinkunas, L. A., Klipowicz, C. J., & Carlisle, E. M. (2020). Shared decision making in surgery: a scoping review of patient and surgeon preferences. BMC medical informatics and decision making20, 1-14.

Whichello, C., Bywall, K. S., Mauer, J., Stephen, W., Cleemput, I., Pinto, C. A., … & Veldwijk, J. (2020). An overview of critical decision-points in the medical product lifecycle: Where to include patient preference information in the decision-making process?. Health Policy124(12), 1325-1332.

van der Horst, D. E., Garvelink, M. M., Bos, W. J. W., Stiggelbout, A. M., & Pieterse, A. H. (2023). For which decisions is Shared Decision Making considered appropriate?–A systematic review. Patient education and counseling106, 3-16.

Montori, V. M., Ruissen, M. M., Hargraves, I. G., Brito, J. P., & Kunneman, M. (2023). Shared decision-making as a method of care. BMJ evidence-based medicine28(4), 213-217. Patient Preferences And Decision Making Assignment

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