
Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper

Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper

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A leadership philosophy refers to the personal roadmap that enables individuals to translate their principles, values and beliefs. The necessity of building up a leadership philosophy is based on its ground concerning ethical decision-making when dealing with professional and personal concerns. The paper will, therefore, describe my core values, vision and mission statement, analysis of the Clifton Strengths Assessment, behaviors that need strengthening and a development plan to improve the key behaviors selected. Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper


My Core Values

The core values that steer my personal leadership philosophies include being trustworthy, respectful, inspiring others, persistent and taking every experience as part of learning. Another crucial value for any nursing professional concerns the communication process that involves listening, writing and speaking. Hence, as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), adhering to these values will always be necessary to enhance my interaction with patients, their families and other healthcare providers to increase satisfaction levels (Htay & Whitehead, 2021)Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper. That is because workplace incivility occurs when the employees fail to set effective values that guide their overall interaction with peers, thus reducing satisfaction levels. Hence, through being a goal-driven ARNP, it will be easy to remain focused on the roles assigned to me by the healthcare management as a nurse leader.

Personal Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement: to focus on enhancing my leadership commitment towards providing safe and quality patient care to all populations.

Mission Statement: My mission revolves around creating and steering knowledgeable clinical teams to provide individualized, evidence-based, patient-centered healthcare services in our facility.

Analysis of CliftonStrengths Assessment

Every healthcare leader presents unique individual strengths and core values when executing their leadership roles. The main five themes identified on the CliftonStrengths Assessment are consistency, harmony, achiever, positivity and connectedness. The consistency value enables me to focus on the assigned tasks and objectives harmoniously, denoting the need for a leader to address the prevailing problem to create a common ground for both the complaint and the accused individuals (Cummings et al., 2020)Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper. The achiever trait helps leaders be goal-oriented in that they achieve the set organizational or project goals. The positivity trait implies that my leadership should focus on leading the team with enthusiasm. Lastly, connectedness deals with the leader creating links and embracing the team members to trigger a sense of belonging, facilitating cohesion.

Behaviors That Need Strengthening

My ability to communicate effectively and influence others are the two behaviors that need strengthening. According to Fowler et al. (2021), nurse leaders must be able to communicate since such skill enables them to create a favorable work environment, which increases satisfaction among nurses and patients. Consequently, the ability to influence others is also crucial since it depends on the nurse leader’s leadership type, which can allow the juniors to be more creative.

A Development Plan to Improve the Key Behaviors Selected

The best way to improve my communication skills is through engaging in regular reading, speaking and listening practice. According to Kim and Sim (2020), such practice will inform my reactions to others while enhancing my logical reasoning and critical thinking to avoid accelerating dissatisfaction among patients and other healthcare providers. That is because dissatisfaction for both healthcare providers and patients may deteriorate overall patient outcomes. For the ability to influence others, watching renowned leaders on TEDx Talks and podcasts for mentorship and continuous learning will be necessary. Also, it will be necessary to assess my emotional intelligence to facilitate effective interaction. Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper


Healthcare leaders must possess different skills to facilitate an effective workplace environment. In that case, it is always necessary for these leaders to develop a leadership philosophy that incorporates various factors like core values, vision and mission statements. Also, these leaders must use various tools like the Clifton Strengths Assessment to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. With such knowledge, these leaders can easily enhance their leadership weaknesses to facilitate positive healthcare services. Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper


Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P. M., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2020). The Essentials of Nursing leadership: a Systematic Review of Factors and Educational Interventions Influencing Nursing Leadership. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 115(115), 103842.


Fowler, K. R., Robbins, L. K., & Lucero, A. (2021). Nurse manager communication and outcomes for nursing: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(6).

Htay, M., & Whitehead, D. (2021). The effectiveness of the role of advanced nurse practitioners compared to physician-led or usual care: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 3(3), 100034.

Kim, A. Y., & Sim, I. O. (2020). Communication skills, problem-solving ability, understanding of patients’ conditions, and nurse’s perception of professionalism among clinical nurses: A structural equation model analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13). Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment Paper

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