
PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

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PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

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Capella University

PSY FPX 5140 Program Evaluation

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Needs Analysis

Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

This manuscript proposes a needs assessment for the OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center, serving Dane County, Wisconsin. Conducting a needs assessment is crucial to identify potential gaps hindering the organization from achieving its objectives. This document delineates participant stakeholders, recommends evaluation procedures, offers a cost/benefit analysis, and addresses ethical considerations.

Program Stakeholders and Outcomes

The OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center, a nonprofit entity, is committed to fostering equity and augmenting the quality of life for LGBTQ+ individuals (OutReach, n.d.). They provide community-building resources, health and human services, and advocate for social justice. Programs span from HIV prevention to domestic violence support, with collaborations established with local and federal nonprofit entities like Diverse & Resilient and NAMI. Primary stakeholders encompass service recipients, staff, volunteers, donors, sponsors, and the board of directors. Successful outcomes are gauged by service utilization, advocacy accomplishments, and community endorsement.

Program Procedures

A logic model is proposed to scrutinize the OutReach program’s procedures, covering inputs (resources), activities, outputs, and outcomes (Royse et al., 2016). Inputs consist of financial and human resources, while activities entail event planning, counseling sessions, and advocacy endeavors. Outputs encompass program materials and events, whereas outcomes pertain to participants’ health and community involvement.

Proposed Program Evaluation

The evaluation seeks to appraise program promotion, alignment with mission values, and participant contentment. Evaluation criteria include self-promotion efficacy, staff-board congruence, and perceived service value. Discoveries will guide program refinements and ensure congruence with stakeholder anticipations.

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Proposed Program Evaluation

Financial data sourced from ProPublica (2021) reveal OutReach’s revenue streams, expenditures, and program outlays. Notable expense categories comprise health services, outreach, senior advocacy, and HIV prevention. A juxtaposition with akin organizations can furnish insights into cost-effectiveness.

Ethical Considerations

Program evaluators must navigate potential conflicts of interest and ethical quandaries. Strategies to mitigate risks incorporate maintaining professional boundaries, ensuring data security, and adhering to ethical directives delineated by the American Evaluation Association (2018) and the American Psychological Association (2017).


The OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center assumes a pivotal role in championing equality and furnishing indispensable services to the LGBTQ+ community in Dane County. Undertaking a comprehensive evaluation will expedite continual improvement and secure the program’s enduring success in fulfilling the needs of its stakeholders.


American Evaluation Association. (2018). Guiding principles.

PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017).

King, J. A., & Stevahn, L. A. (2014). Interactive evaluation practice: Mastering the interpersonal dynamics of program evaluation (1st ed.). SAGE Publications.

OutReach. (n.d.). Home. OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center

Royse, D., Thyer, B. A., & Padgett, D. K. (2016). Program evaluation: An introduction to an evidence-based approach (6th ed.). Cengage.

Appendix: Stakeholder Analysis

The LGBTQ+ Community Center, as delineated by OutReach (n.d.), engages various stakeholders with distinct interests and expectations. This analysis categorizes stakeholders into four primary groups, each with its own concerns and priorities.

Recipients of Services

Mainly comprising youth and adults within the LGBTQ+ community, this group anticipates timely, informative, and supportive services from the organization. Privacy and confidentiality are pivotal considerations for these stakeholders, necessitating vigilant safeguarding by the organization.

Staff and Volunteers

Charged with administrative duties, logistics, event coordination, and fundraising, this group is committed to delivering care to participants, organizing events, and securing contributions. Their emphasis lies in upholding the organization’s functionality and ensuring high-quality service provision.

Donors and Sponsors

Encompassing businesses, corporations, governmental bodies, and individual community benefactors, this group financially supports the organization. Their vested interest lies in the organization’s sustained success and prudent resource utilization to fulfill its mission.

Board of Directors

Comprising six individuals tasked with organizational oversight and strategic planning, the board steers the program. They are vested in the organization’s long-range vision, guaranteeing ethical practices, and alignment with the OutReach Community Center’s mission. However, potential conflicts may arise, both internally among staff and the board and within the board itself, particularly when faced with contentious decisions.

To inaugurate the information-gathering phase of program evaluation, an in-person meeting at a neutral venue, such as a hotel or public library, is proposed. During this meeting, the interactive strategy of expressing viewpoints/beliefs would be employed, enabling stakeholders to deliberate, interpret, and interrogate various facets of the program (King & Stevahn, 2014). This approach fosters inclusivity and facilitates direct engagement among all influential stakeholders.

Moreover, the cooperative interview strategy would be employed to unearth any concerns stakeholders may harbor, thereby fostering favorable relations, shared comprehension, and progress assessment (King & Stevahn, 2014). Additionally, the voicing variables strategy, entailing the identification of potential impediments based on specific variables, would streamline discussion and provide a visual reference for all participants.

PSY FPX 5140 Assessment 1 Needs Assessment Document: OutReach Community Program

By conducting this in-person meeting, comprehensive insights from each stakeholder group can be documented. This documentation can uncover commonalities for advancement or potential hurdles that may precipitate conflicts.

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