
PSY FPX 8711 Assessment 4 Intervention Proposal

PSY FPX 8711 Assessment 4 Intervention Proposal

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PSY FPX 8711 Assessment 4 Intervention Proposal

Student Name

Capella University

PSY FPX 8711 Principles of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Prof. Name


Intervention Proposal

In contemporary organizational settings, nurturing an inclusive environment has become imperative for sustaining productivity and promoting employee well-being. This proposal aims to delineate an intervention strategy customized to enhance diversity management and leadership effectiveness within the workplace.

Understanding the Need

In today’s multicultural workplaces, effective leadership necessitates a nuanced comprehension of diverse perspectives and cultures. Research by Aritz and Walker (2014) underscores the significance of accommodating varied leadership styles in multicultural groups to optimize collaboration and performance. Similarly, studies by Stoermer et al. (2016) emphasize the influence of national culture on inclusion climate, highlighting the need for culturally sensitive interventions.

Proposed Intervention

The proposed intervention comprises several pivotal components:

  1. Leadership Development: Drawing from insights by Gemeda and Lee (2020), the intervention will offer leadership training tailored to address the diverse needs and cultural nuances within the organization. This training will focus on enhancing leaders’ multicultural competence, emotional intelligence (Drigas & Papoutsi, 2018), and transformational leadership skills (Steinmann et al., 2018).

  2. 360-Degree Feedback: Implementing a 360-degree feedback mechanism, as suggested by Garavan et al. (1997), will enable comprehensive performance evaluation and foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

  3. Cultural Awareness Workshops: Organizing workshops and seminars on multicultural competence, as advocated by Kite (2015), will facilitate cross-cultural understanding and promote inclusivity within the workplace.

  4. Structured Interviewing: Incorporating structured interviewing techniques, in line with recommendations by the Public Service Commission of Canada (2009), will help mitigate unconscious biases in the recruitment and selection process.

  5. Post-Training Evaluation Plan: Following Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick’s (2013) framework, the intervention will include a robust post-training evaluation plan to assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and identify areas for further improvement.


In conclusion, this intervention proposal offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing diversity management and leadership effectiveness within the organization. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and equipping leaders with the necessary skills and awareness, the proposed intervention aims to drive organizational success in today’s increasingly diverse work environments.


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PSY FPX 8711 Assessment 4 Intervention Proposal

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PSY FPX 8711 Assessment 4 Intervention Proposal

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