
PSY FPX 8720 Assessment 6 Leadership Development Plan

PSY FPX 8720 Assessment 6 Leadership Development Plan

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PSY FPX 8720 Assessment 6 Leadership Development Plan

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Capella University

PSY FPX 8720 Psychology of Leadership

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The imperative to nurture leadership acumen arises from a comprehensive cultural assessment. Adena Health, as an emerging entity, undertook an examination of its prevailing culture in collaboration with a third-party entity. This assessment has illuminated a glaring need to bolster leadership capabilities. Employees of Adena Health, in interviews, portrayed the culture as one dominated by apprehension and exclusivity, with hierarchical leadership prevailing. Consequently, with employees expressing their concerns and discomfort, there has been a significant turnover among top-tier leadership. Acknowledging this necessity, Adena Health has recognized the need to cultivate the interpersonal skills of its leaders and establish a framework of accepted behavioral norms.

Current Gap

Currently, Adena Health offers a new leader orientation primarily centered on operational tasks, lacking coverage of leadership skills from an employee relations perspective. Leaders seeking development are frequently directed to external e-learning programs, typically at their own expense. Recently, the Human Resources department has enlisted the services of an executive coach, integrated within the organizational development team, who has initiated coaching at the executive level.

Key Components

Adena’s leadership development initiative will feature mandatory classes organized into cohorts by the Human Resources team. The program, named Adena Leadership Core, will comprise four courses: “Culture Transformation and Change,” “Crucial Conversations” (sourced from Crucial Learning), “Leading Self and Emotional Intelligence (EQ),” and “Leader as Coach.” Each course will cover fundamental core competencies.

Adena Leadership Core 2022 Course Description

Core Competencies

Culture Transformation and Change

This module explores the profound influence of leadership on organizational culture, encompassing employee engagement, work environment, atmosphere, and overall company success. Leaders will delve into various organizational change models and strategies to navigate them effectively, fostering resilience and adept communication to inspire teams and overcome resistance.

PSY FPX 8720 Assessment 6 Leadership Development Plan

Crucial Conversations

Crucial conversations refer to pivotal moments characterized by high stakes, divergent opinions, and intense emotions. These conversations can be transformative, influencing outcomes in projects, teamwork, safety, diversity, engagement, and relationships. Leaders will acquire a framework for navigating such challenging dialogues.

Leading Self and EQ

This experiential course encourages leaders to cultivate emotional intelligence within collaborative peer groups, fostering self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth. Through introspection, leaders will develop composure, initiative, and respect for diversity.

Leader as Coach

Through group discussions and practical exercises, leaders will grasp the essence of coaching and its application, honing skills in focused and global listening, impactful questioning, and adept feedback delivery.

Guidelines for Effectiveness

Evaluating the success of the development program is crucial. Employee development initiatives temporarily divert employees from their routine tasks, potentially impacting short-term productivity. Establishing mechanisms to measure progress and reflection aids in justifying future development endeavors. Additionally, if leaders fail to demonstrate desired progress, supplementary support or role reassignment within the organization may be necessary.

Major Measurements for Leadership Core

Adena will gauge the success of the program using the following metrics, while acknowledging the potential individual benefits or setbacks experienced by leaders:

  • Engagement Survey Score
  • Employee Retention
  • Learner Satisfaction
  • Leader Performance Evaluation Rating

Virtual Guidelines

Leadership development for virtual teams presents distinct challenges. While the curriculum remains relevant, adaptations are necessary to address the unique needs and challenges faced by virtual teams. Incorporating features such as breakout rooms, chat functionalities, and other interactive tools is essential to engage adult learners in a virtual setting.


The imperative for leadership development at Adena Health underscores the need to foster a culture of growth and adaptability. By implementing the Adena Leadership Core program, Adena Health aims to empower its leaders with the requisite skills and competencies to navigate challenges and drive organizational success.


Crucial Learning. (2021, November 23). Crucial conversations for mastering dialogue. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from

Unboxed Staff. (201AD, January 18). Measuring Leadership Development Program Effectiveness. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from

PSY FPX 8720 Assessment 6 Leadership Development Plan

CCL. (2021, October 15). Virtual leadership development programs. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from

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