
PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development Application of Theory

PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development Application of Theory:

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Human Development


Name the person in the case study and explain their present circumstances. 

Explain the person’s stage of life based on the hypotheses you picked. 

Prompt Description
Name: Brenda
CurrentSituation: Brenda is a 43-year-old divorced woman who is dissatisfied with her relationship status and profession.
Stage of Life: According to stages 6 and 7 of Erikson’s eight-step theory of psychosocial development, time begins in college and ends at age 43. Bowlby’s attachment theory of development provides the foundation for her relationship with her mother.

PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development Application of Theory

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Prompt Description
SelectedTheories: Erikson’s hypothesis is one of the theories considered for Brenda’s situation. It is an eight-step paradigm based on distinct periods of life and age (Maree, 2021). This hypothesis describes how people evolve throughout their lives. Brenda’s example falls between stages 6 and 7 of Erikson’s theory based on her age.
Bowlby’s attachment theory of development will be explored in light of Brenda’s relationship status and connection to her mother. This idea emphasizes on attachments and connections with spouses, parents, children, and others (Cobb, 2020).
Stage Details: Brenda is a 43-year-old woman who is unhappy with her job and feels lonely. Her romance began in her early twenties, while she was in college. Her marriage was postponed till she was 27 years old due to various factors. Brenda’s relationship with her spouse was strained, and she eventually divorced at age 38. She has a poor connection with her mother.She is currently experiencing identity difficulties and believes she has failed her acquaintances in terms of marriage, children, and a successful profession.
How theory helps the understanding of development: Erikson’s theory is focused with lifetime development through social interactions and emotional concerns. It contains eight levels based on age (de Carvalho & Veiga, 2022). Brenda’s present situation involves stages 6 and 7 of the theory suites. Stage 6 encompasses the young adult years from ages 18 to 40, with a focus on closeness vs solitude. Humans desire to have deep relationships with others, but if they don’t, they become isolated. This might be the cause of Brenda’s loneliness and lack of interest in dating. Her marketing work requires her to socialize, which might be the source of her dissatisfaction with her employment. Stage 7 of the theory applies to those aged 40 to 65. During this period, individuals desire to embody the virtue of caring by assisting others, witnessing their children succeed, etc. Brenda wants the same thing when she’s 43.Bowlby’s attachment theory of development is about interactions with loved ones like spouses, parents, children, etc. (Robledo et al., 2022). In Brenda’s case, this theory focuses on her relationship with her mother and husband Robert.


Prompt Description
What the professional information or research says: Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development emphasizes life-long progress. It contains eight phases that correspond to various ages and mental states. Stage 1 focuses on trust against distrust during infants’ first 18 months of life. Stage 2 lasts between 18 months and three years and is characterized by autonomy versus shame and uncertainty. During this period children learn self-control. Stage 3 begins during preschool and is centered on initiative versus guilt. This stage is the major stage of psychosocial development. Stage 4 takes place during 5-12 years of age based on competence vs. inferiority. Stage 5 occurs during the teenage, based on identity vs. confusion. Stage 6 occurs between 18-40 years of age based on intimacy vs. isolation. Stage 7 of this theory occurring during 40-65 is based on generativity vs. stagnation. Last and 8th stage is based on honesty vs. despair that takes place during old age having flashbacks of the entire life span spent (de Carvalho & Veiga, 2022). John Bowlby’s theory of attachment is about relationships and attachments with special people like parents, children, and life partners. This idea describes how people experience anxiety and suffering during separation (Bosmans et al., 2020). 
How this information relates to the case: Though Brenda is 43 years old but her condition related to identity issue is related to stage 5 of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory’s sixth stage, which is centered on closeness vs. isolation, applies here. Brenda is attempting to distance herself since she does not had positive prior experiences. At present, she is feeling lonely but also does not want to get social. As Brenda failed in her life during different phases so she is feeling unproductive according to stage 7 of psychosocial development theory by Erikson.Brenda failed to develop positive ties with her husband and mother. She does not have any children. As a result, this condition is consistent with Bowlby’s attachment hypothesis.

PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development Application of Theory

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ReferenceNumber Reference
Reference 1 Bosmans, G., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Vervliet, B., Verhees, M. W. F. T., & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2020). A learning theory of attachment: Unraveling the black box of attachment development. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews113(113), 287–298.
Reference 2 Cobb, K. F. (2020). Intergenerational depressive symptoms and the impact of adolescent attachment: a systematic review. Adolescent Research Review.
Reference 3 de Carvalho, N. A., & Veiga, F. H. (2022). Psychosocial development research in adolescence: a scoping review. Trends in Psychology.
Reference 4 Maree, J. G. (2021). The psychosocial development theory of Erik Erikson: Critical overview. Early Child Development and Care191(7-8), 1107–1121.
Reference 5 Robledo, J.-P., Cross, I., Boada-Bayona, L., & Demogeot, N. (2022). Back to basics: A re-evaluation of the relevance of imprinting in the genesis of Bowlby’s attachment theory.

PSYC FPX 1000 Assessment 2 Human Development Application of Theory

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