
PSYC FPX 2300 Assessment 1 Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career

PSYC FPX 2300 Assessment 1 Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career

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PSYC FPX 2300 Assessment 1 Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career

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Capella University

PSYC FPX 2300 Introduction to Addiction Theories

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Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career


The future addiction professional must consider the requirements of the state in which they reside. Each state has unique requirements and credentials. Complete the items below using the provided resources to map out your journey to become an addiction professional. As you explore the websites, make sure to follow the guidelines outlined by the credentialing board in your chosen state.

State Specifics Overview

Directions: Find your state’s licensing requirements for substance abuse professionals and locate the credentialing requirements for a bachelor’s degree or lower. If none of your state’s credentials are available with a bachelor’s degree or less, use the master’s level credential. Complete the table below using complete sentences.

Which state do you reside or plan to live? I currently reside in California and have researched the licensing and credentialing requirements for the state of California for substance abuse professionals.
What credentials does your state offer for addiction professionals? Through the California Department of Healthcare Services, individuals can certify through an approved certifying organization to become a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor (CATC).
Which credential are you interested in pursuing? The credential that I would be interested in pursuing would be the Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor Tier III (CATC III).
URL for your state’s requirements: California DHCS

Education Requirements Overview

Each state credentialing board outlines educational requirements by the following, quarter hours, semester hours, or credit hours. Please note the differences and use the formulas below to complete the rest of the worksheet.

If state requirements are described by hours:

  • 1 Capella quarter credit hour = 10 hours.

PSYC FPX 2300 Assessment 1 Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career

If state requirements are described by semester hour:

  • Divide semester hour by 1.5 to get Capella quarter credit hour.

Complete the table below using complete sentences.

What degree is required (none, associates, bachelors, masters)? The degree required for my desired position of CATC III is a bachelor’s degree. According to the Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California, the degree must be from a regionally accredited college or university and “must be in Addiction Studies or a related behavioral health/behavioral science field” (2020).
How many educational hours are required? The educational hours required to become a Tier III Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor is 315 hours.
Are there specific courses required for your state, and are there a certain number of hours in this content (that is, Ethics=4 hours)? There are specific courses needed to meet the educational requirements, one of the options is to be approved for an Education Equivalency Evaluation Process. This includes 6 semester hours in specific addiction studies coursework, and 18 semester hours in related Behavioral Health/Behavioral Science courses.
What specific content is required? The other option includes completing an accredited and approved Addiction Studies/Alcohol and Other Drug Studies program, consisting of 30 semester units, through an accredited college.

Other Requirements Overview

In addition to educational requirements, states require credentialing exams, supervision hours, and prior experience in the field. Complete the table below using complete sentences.

How many hours of supervised experience is required? There is a requirement of 2,240 hours of supervised clinical/field work hours through a California Department of Health Care Services certified alcohol/drug treatment facility or center. All documented hours must include counseling services under the supervision of a licensed professional.
Are working experience hours required? If so, how many? The 2,240 supervised working hours can be from work that is either paid or volunteer. Individuals may not complete logged hours in less than 14 months.
Are any licensing or certification tests required? The only certification test needed in the state of California is the CATC Exam. The Certified Addiction Treatment Exam is mandatory in order to complete the certification process and there is no substitution.
What other requirements are there that you haven’t already listed on the form? One of the additional requirements needed are three letters of recommendations from three different individuals who are of no relation to the applicant. There is also a nonrefundable fee of $185 dollars to begin the CATC process.

Final Thoughts

Based on your research, provide a summary paragraph of the requirements needed in your chosen state to become an addiction professional.

The requirements made necessary by the California Department of Health Services to become an addiction professional are quite extensive. An individual must complete educational requirements that include a minimum of 30 semester hours in Addiction Studies or a related field through an accredited college or university. Once the educational aspect is met, the Certified Addiction Treatment Exam must be passed with 70% or better in order to begin the required 2,240 hours of supervised clinical/field work experience. When the 2,240 hours of supervised experience is documented and accepted, the CATC application can be submitted, along with the three professional references and $185 certification fee.


Simple Steps – Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California. (2020b). Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California.

PSYC FPX 2300 Assessment 1 Roadmap to an Addiction Professional Career

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