
PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations

PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations


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Capella University

PSYC FPX 4700 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

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Basics of Research and Statistics, Frequency Distributions, Percentiles, and Graphical Representations

Problem Set 1.1: Identifying Variables (Dependent, Independent, Quasi-Independent)


Independent Variable

Quasi-Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

1 Cocaine use Cocaine-dependent vs. Cocaine-inexperienced Impulsive behavior
2 Test format (multiple-choice vs. fill-in-the-blank) N/A Student performance
3 Smoking by parents N/A Children’s attitudes toward smoking
4 Political affiliation Democrat vs. Republican Attitudes toward morality
5 Cultural background N/A Belief in meaning of dreams

Problem Set 1.2: Understanding Sample and Population

The participants recruited by Szklarska et al. (2007) most likely represent a sample. This is because they are a subset of the larger group of all nineteen-year-old men, rather than representing the entire population.

Problem Set 1.3: Create a dataset for use in JASP

The dataset has been created in Excel and saved as a .csv file. It consists of the following data:



PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations

Problem Set 1.4.a: Grouped or Ungrouped




1 Grouped Data categorized into intervals
2 Grouped Data categorized into discrete categories
3 Ungrouped Data in discrete categories
4 Ungrouped Data is individual observations

Problem Set 1.4.b: Understanding Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

The percentages reported here are an example of descriptive statistics, as they simply describe the percentage of Americans who own guns over different decades.

Based on the percentages given in the table, gun ownership in the United States has fluctuated over the past 40 years, with a peak in 1992 at 48% and a low in 2002 at 40%.

Problem Set 1.5: Reading a Chart

College professors speak more words overall (Token Count) in this sample. However, clinical psychologists speak more different words (Type Count) overall in this sample.

Problem Set 1.6: Frequencies and Percentages

  • The frequency of businesses with at least 20 employees: Cumulative Frequency
  • The frequency of college students with less than a 3.0 GPA: Cumulative Relative Frequency (Summarized from the bottom up)
  • The percentage of women completing 1, 2, 3, or 4 tasks simultaneously: Relative Percent
  • The proportion of pregnancies delivered in public or private hospitals: Relative Frequency
  • The percentage of alcoholics with more than 2 years of substance abuse: Cumulative Percent (Summarized from the top down)

Problem Set 1.7: Understanding Percentages

The distribution is an example of a frequency distribution.

Out of 1,280 adults polled nationwide, 742 felt that same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry.

Problem Set 1.8: Create an Ascending Frequency Table in JASP

[Table here]

Problem Set 1.9: Construct a Bar Graph in JASP

[Bar graph here]

The shape of the distribution is [insert shape if known].

Problem Set 1.10: Construct a Pie Chart in JASP

[Pie chart here]


Szklarska, A., Krupa, K., & Sosnowski, T. (2007). Height and educational attainment. Journal of Educational Research, 99(3), 141-146.

Gallup. (n.d.). Guns. Retrieved from

PSYC FPX 4700 Assessment 1 Basics of Research and Statistics Frequency Distributions Percentiles and Graphical Representations

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