
Race and Health in America Assignment Essay

Race and Health in America Assignment Essay

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Part 1

What lines/moments while listening to the podcast stuck out to you, and why?

The podcast presents a dark history and the issues affecting access to healthcare among the African Americans after end of slavery. According to the podcast, it is critical to note that after the end of slavery, the blacks were let go without any support by the white farm owners. They were left without anything to begin a new free life and this forced them to shelter in abandoned churches and military camps. It is also vital to note from the podcast that there were real efforts to prevent the blacks from getting any medical care and this led them to die in large numbers and their bodies would be found in the streets. This is because the whites feared that the blacks would become independent when they access good healthcare something they never wanted (Brown, 2019). It is also, devastating to learn about the burning of blacks’ hospital after the whites in the surrounding learned that the hospital was becoming a success and helping blacks from their illnesses. Race and Health in America Assignment Essay


What emotions did you feel when listening to the podcast?

The podcast elicits sadness that people can be this wild towards others. It is also empathetic to feel the fear, devastation, and vulnerability of children growing up in this era and the struggles their mothers had to face in bringing up children without vaccines, proper diets, and with limited basic needs (Brown, 2019).

What are some of the ways the history of racism continues to impact racialized groups’ access to health care?

The history of racism continues to be experienced even in the modern-day health sector since not everyone is getting insured for medical cover. In addition, the coming of COVID-19 brought huge gaps in healthcare and the existing disparities among racial groups when blacks were not given ready treatment and vaccines when compared to their white countrymen (Brown, 2019). Race and Health in America Assignment Essay

What do you want to know more about?

I would like to learn more about the reason for the existing health disparities including issues of policy when there have been influential black leadership in the country including a black president and deputy president.

Part 2: Reflective Assignment

What did I learn?

I learned that the modern-day disparities and challenges in healthcare including issues of racism have not begun today. They are historical healthcare issues built in racism and injustices where people have failed to unite in combating common health issues. This is because, when the blacks fail to get adequate treatment then the whites are as well affected by illness through contact, airborne and waterborne causes. This means that failure to make adequate policies due to racism will affect all races including the well-insured and this not insured (Hamed et al., 2022). Race and Health in America Assignment Essay

Two things I can teach another person about what I learned

I can teach another person that healthcare is a basic need that should be made available to all regardless of their political, racial, religious, educational, or socioeconomic status. In addition, the political class should be at the forefront of making sustainable legislation about healthcare for all which will change the trajectory and the bad history of healthcare disparities in the country (Beech et al., 2021).

How will this influence my practice as a future healthcare provider?  

As a future healthcare provider, the existing healthcare disparities will affect my practice since it will be hard to offer free and fair quality care to all. There will be limitations in the service delivery where most of the people in dire need of help may be turned away or not adequately attained and those with minimal care needs will be given firsthand in healthcare (Beech et al., 2021). As a care provider, it will be hard to relate with others from diverse races who want to seclude some patients due to their race, religion, education, political ideologies, or socioeconomic status. Race and Health in America Assignment Essay



Beech, B. M., Ford, C., Thorpe, R. J., Jr, Bruce, M. A., & Norris, K. C. (2021). Poverty, Racism, and the Public Health Crisis in America. Frontiers in public health9, 699049.

Brown. A., Prime. K. (2019). Episode 4: How the Bad Blood Started.

Hamed, S., Bradby, H., Ahlberg, B. M., & Thapar-Björkert, S. (2022). Racism in healthcare: a scoping review. BMC Public Health22(1), 988.

In Healthy People 2020, there is a need to address health disparities among African Americans, Asians, American Indians, Latinx, Alaskan Americans, and Pacific Islanders. According to Copeland (2005), “disparities are not merely health issues but reflect grave inequalities that require remedies so that social justice prevails, regardless of race.” The recent burden we are currently facing due to COVID-19, long-standing systemic health and social inequities, has put many people from racial and ethnic groups at increased risk of getting sick and dying. For this module, we will explore the 1619 Project to begin a dialogue about the legacy of slavery in healthcare Race and Health in America Assignment Essay

This week you will listen to episode 4 of the 1619 Project podcast to springboard a dialogue about Race and Health in America.

This assignment has two parts:

Part 1:

Listen to the Podcast “How Bad Blood Started,” which is in module 8 course readings

Consider these questions while listening to the podcast and answer them in the assignment as well:
What lines/moments while listening to the podcast stuck out to you, and why?
What emotions did you feel when listening to the podcast?
What are some of the ways the history of racism continues to impact racialized groups’ access to health care? Race and Health in America Assignment Essay
What do you want to know more about?

Part 2: Reflective Assignment

What did I learn?
Two things I can teach another person about what I learned.
How will this influence my practice as a future healthcare provider?
There will be an optional BBB to discuss this assignment further.
This is not an APA assignment. Do not put in APA formatting. Please use the format of the questions Race and Health in America Assignment Essay


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