Reflection On The Evidence Nursing Practice Connection Assignment
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Write My Essay For MeBased on the current quality research resources available, patient Centred care is well addressed through the use of evidence-based practice (EBP). Through the use of EBP, healthcare professionals increase their knowledge thereby impacting quality care services provided to patients. However, one barrier that I believe serves as a hindrance for nurses towards EBP engagement is limited time of reading literature. According to Camargo et al (2018), more than 80% of nurses in their research responded that they lack sufficient time to review various research literatures. The barrier can therefore be avoided through hiring more nurses to ensure that there are no workloads that might hinder them from getting time to review the different literature research. Through the strategy, I believe that more healthcare professionals including the nurses will be able to utilize EBP effectively and more efficiently. Reflection On The Evidence Nursing Practice Connection Assignment
Considering that I am new to the nursing profession, the use of a PICOT question is one item that has played a crucial role for me to navigate smoothly into nursing research. Through the knowledge of the PICOT question development, I will be able to create a strong and well-structured clinical question prior to conducting my research. The acronym FINER is the other item that I found helpful towards a proper evaluation of quality characteristics of a research question (Camargo et al., 2018). The acronym dictates that a good research question should be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical and relevant.
In general, my way of thinking has far much improved. With these newly learned items that I have gained, I am able to develop a good clinical research question with all these desirable characteristics. According to Labrague et al (2020), nurses should make their profession an exciting one through accepting all their roles and ensuring that EBP is their basis of practice. With this research related improved knowledge and skills, I will therefore be able to provide improved quality care to patients. Reflection On The Evidence Nursing Practice Connection Assignment
Camargo, F. C., Iwamoto, H. H., Galvão, C. M., Pereira, G. D. A., Andrade, R. B., & Masso, G. C. (2018). Competences and barriers for the evidence-based practice in nursing: an integrative review. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 71, 2030-2038.
Labrague, L. J., McEnroe-Petitte, D., D’Souza, M. S., Cecily, H. S. J., Edet, O. B., Ibebuike, J. E., & Venkatesan, L. (2020). Capability beliefs and the intention to adopt evidence-based practices in the future among nursing students: An international study. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(5), 301-307 Reflection On The Evidence Nursing Practice Connection Assignment
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