
Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

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Potential Clinical Problems

Q1. (b). Consider national problems. Review Healthy People 2020 at List three national health/clinical issues that interest you. Are any of the three related to the potential clinical problem chosen for your DNP project? 

By reviewing the Healthy People 2030, three particular national health issues interest me (ODPHP, 2024). These are overweight and obesity, diabetes, and depression (mental health and mental disorders). Overweight and obesity has become a national epidemic especially among marginalized minority groups, type 2 diabetes which is related to overweight and obesity is also on the rise due to behavioral factors (Khan et al., 2020), and depression is increasing with resultant suicidality cases. Indeed, depression as a clinical problem is related to my preferred issue for my DNP project which is major depressive disorder or MDD. Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion


Q1. (c). Consider clinical issues in your state. Visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at and search for your state. Also, search for YOUR state’s local health agency’s website. For instance, in Pennsylvania it is Share the state website you found for your state (if other than PA). List three state level health topics/clinical issues that interest you. Are any of the three related to the potential clinical problem chosen for your DNP project? 

By reviewing the Maryland Department of Health website ( ), three state healthcare issues that interest me are drug addiction (opioids), suicidal depression, and childhood immunization (Maryland Department of Health, 2024)Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion. These state healthcare problems mirror those that are seen nationally as well. Opioid addiction is especially serious in the state of Maryland. It is well known that drug addiction is associated with comorbid depression. Therefore, indeed depression s associated with my preferred topic for my DNP project that is MDD.

Q2.  Consider a very broad problem at the healthcare system level (e.g. increased infection rates).  Identify a very broad problem and describe, preferably related to your chosen problem for your DNP Project. How does it affect the client? (patient); The healthcare team (workers); The family/community?; and The healthcare system as a whole? 

A broad problem at the healthcare system level is major depressive disorder or MDD (APA, 2022; Boland et al., 2021). According to the DSM-5-TR’s diagnostic criteria for this mental health disorder, the individual affected no longer enjoys pleasurable activities they previously did, they have a depressed mood most of the time almost all day, they suffer from insomnia, they lose weight (or gain it), and they also may have suicidal ideation. MDD affects the patient in that they become dysfunctional in terms of self-care, occupational pursuits, and interpersonal relationships. Healthcare workers are affected in that they may themselves end up suffering from depression after being exposed to many clients with the same condition. Burnout and emotional fatigue also affects them. The patient’s family will also be affected financially, emotionally, and socially through societal stigma. Finally, the healthcare system is affected in that it gets overwhelmed by the many cases of MDD requiring care. This includes involuntary commitment for those depressed patients showing suicidality.

Q3. Following this investigation, name a potential clinical problem you would like to use for your DNP Project.

Following this investigation, the potential clinical problem that I would like to use for my DNP project is the mental health issue of major depressive disorder (MDD). This is because the problem is so widespread and underdiagnosed in the community. The other reason is that it is associated with significant mortality related to suicidality, especially among adolescents and young adults. Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

Q4. Describe the relationship between the problem you selected and the Quadruple Aim.

The relationship between MDD and the Quadruple Aim is that one of the objectives of the QA is to improve the health of populations (Sikka et al., 2015). By tackling the problem of MDD within the community, the health of the population will be improved substantially. This includes reducing the cases of suicidality related to depression.

Q5. In Melnyk et al. text, they write about Internal Evidence. Find internal evidence at your practice site that helps describe and support the presence of the clinical problem you have chosen. Internal evidence with regards to the clinical problem refers to evidence generated internally within a clinical setting such as patient assessment data, outcomes management and quality improvement data. Describe at least one source of internal evidence at your site related to your chosen clinical problem and explain how it is related to the chosen problem.


The internal evidence (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023) at my site that supports my chosen clinical problem is the clinical data in the electronic health record system or EHR that shows that adolescents and young adults are disproportionately affected by depression and suicidality. This data includes the subjective observations of the patients as well as the objective findings which are derived from the screening tool that is the Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents or PHQ-A. With this subjective and objective data from the EHR, there is a lot of support that underpins the planning and aiming of the intervention of screening using the PHQ-A. This means for instance that it is by referring to the EHR data that it will be known what percentage of the population demographic of adolescents will be screened. Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion


American Psychological Association [APA] (2022). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), 5th ed. Author.

Boland, R., Verdium, M., & Ruiz, P. (Eds) (2021). Kaplan and Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry, 12th ed. Wolters Kluwer.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health promotion [ODPHP] (2024). Healthy People 2030.

Khan, M.A.B., Hashim, M.J., King, J.K., Govender, R.D., Mustafa, H., & Al Kaabi, J. (2020).  Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes – Global burden of disease and forecasted trends. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 10(1), 107-111.

Maryland Department of Health (2024). Promoting lifelong health and wellness for all Marylanders.

Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice, 5th ed. Wolters Kluwer.

Sikka, R., Morath, J.M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Care, health, cost and meaning in work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24(10), 608-610. Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

Hello writer ID 1747,

 Thank you so much! I was pleased with previous assignment however I received some feedback from the instructor that I would like to share with you later. I am thinking of choosing you for my assignment going forward but if it becomes overwhelming or is a content that are you are not familiar with, please let me know.

I was also pleased with the fact that you did not limit yourself on the number of sources I put on my order.

Assignment instructions

You may respond to the question on the assignment sheet.

Please cover each content of the assignment

If you are considering choosing question 1C, my state is Maryland.

My chosen problem for my DNP Project is: the increasing cases of major depressive disorder (MDD) and suicidality among young adults. Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

Thank you for your help

Respond to the following questions in your post (please include the question prior to your response):

  1. Select 2 of the next 4 items (a through d)  and complete the prompt for the two that you selected. The purpose is to explore clinical problems at the global, national, state, and /or local levels.
  2. Consider global problems. Review the World Health Organization website List three global health topics /clinical issues that interest you.
  3.  Consider national problems. Review Healthy People 2020 at www.healthypeople.govList three national health/clinical issues that interest you. Are any of the three related to the potential clinical problem chosen for your DNP project?
  4. Consider clinical issues in your state. Visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at www.cdc.govand search for your state. Also, search for YOUR state’s local health agency’s website. For instance, in Pennsylvania it is Share the state website you found for your state (if other than PA). List three state level health topics/clinical issues that  interest you. Are any of the three related to the potential clinical problem chosen for your DNP project?
  5. Consider clinical topics in your local area. A good place to search is your county. For instance, Chatham is in Allegheny County and their health website is: Share the local health agency you found. List three local level health topics/clinical issues that interest you. Are any of the three related to the potential clinical problem chosen for your DNP project?  Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion
  6. Consider a very broad problem at the healthcare system level (e.g. increased infection rates).  Identify a very broad problem and describe, preferably related to your chosen problem for your DNP Project. How does it affect the client? (patient); The healthcare team (workers); The family/community?; and The healthcare system as a whole?
  7. Following this investigation, name a potential clinical problem you would like to use for your DNP Project.


4.Describe the relationship between the problem you selected and the Quadruple Aim. (If you don’t know what the Quadruple aim in healthcare is, please look it up

  1. In Melnyk et al. text, they write about Internal Evidence. Find internal evidence at your practice site that helps describe and support the presence of the clinical problem you have chosen. Internal evidence with regards to the clinical problem refers to evidence generated internally within a clinical setting such as patient assessment data, outcomes management and quality improvement data.  Describe at least one source of internal evidence at your site related to your chosen clinical problem and explain how it is related to the chosen problem.  Reviewing The Health Issues Assignment Discussion

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