
The APRN Practice Environment Assignment Paper

The APRN Practice Environment Assignment Paper

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Discussion Response

Hi Caitlin,

Your discussion post explores the APRN practice environment in Tennessee. I like that you identify the conditions for qualifying for APRN practice in the state, noting that practice requires certification by the State Board of Nursing after meeting the education conditions, submitting supporting documents, and paying the application fee. In addition, I like you identify the restrictive nature of APRN practice in the state, noting that it requires physician supervision and availability for consultation, as well as the need for a practice protocol and regular review of treatment offered. Besides that, I like that you identify APRN as requiring DEA licensure before being allowed to prescribe, dispense, administer, and procure medication. Furthermore, I like that you identify the restrictive practice environment as hindering APRN practice within the state, noting that other states may not have such a restrictive practice environment. While your discussion post is well presented, I feel that it can be improved. The APRN Practice Environment Assignment Paper


First, there is a need to acknowledge that the restrictive practice environment limits nurses from using their full potential in providing primary health care services. APRNs should have the opportunity for independent practice without supervision as they have undergone rigorous education and training, and are awarded deserving licenses and proof of their ability to deliver quality healthcare services. As such, there is a need for the State Board of Nursing to review the state APRN practice environment and implement a full practice policy that allows APRNs to practice without supervision as is the case in other states such as New York, Minnesota, Montana, Arizona and others (Myers et al., 2022)The APRN Practice Environment Assignment Paper. Second, there is a need to identify that Tennessee recognizes licenses and endorsement of other states, and that it requires that the practice license be renewed every two years. All licenses must meet the minimum education requirements as prescribed by the board (Department of Health, 2023). Overall, your discussion post is well presented, but can be improved by including the two mentioned points.


Department of Health (2023). Board of Nursing: About.

Myers, C. R., Muñoz, L. R., Stansberry, T., Schorn, M., Kleinpell, R., & Likes, W. (2022). COVID-19 effects on practice: Perspectives of Tennessee APRNs. Nursing forum57(4), 593–602. The APRN Practice Environment Assignment Paper

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