
The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

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The paper will provide a bibliography of the five articles describing the selected theories. These theories are the Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change, Social Cognitive Theory, Family Systems Theory and Family Assessment and Intervention Model. The main areas to assess are the article summary, the theory relationship with the article and the impact that the article will have on advanced nurse practitioners in future.

Health Belief Model

Lau, J., Lim, T.-Z., Jianlin Wong, G., & Tan, K.-K. (2020)The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion. The health belief model and colorectal cancer screening in the general population: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 20, 101223.


Lau et al. (2020) utilize the Health Belief Model to identify its constructs linked to colorectal cancer screening. That is, considering that healthcare practitioners have identified colorectal cancer screening as an effective way to save lives since it is also cost-effective. The reviewed articles show that the Health Belief Model is consistent with screening behaviors and intentions as the main constructs. That means individuals’ likelihood to engage in preventative behavior was mainly inspired by their at-risk perception towards the negative health outcomes. Hence, being at risk towards a serious illness determines individuals’ behaviours towards adhering to a certain recommended health behavior.

Therefore, the article relates to the selected theory since it is only when at-risk colorectal cancer individuals acknowledge the possibility of being diagnosed with the condition that they will start to adhere to the recommended prevention and treatment strategies. Future nurse practitioners can utilize Lau et al. (2020) article by researching the areas the authors have recommended. For instance, using a prospective study design, Lau et al. (2020) recommend future studies to assess how the health belief model influences screening behaviors over a certain time. Also, in the future, nurse practitioners should assess ways the health belief model interacts with social and cultural norms including the community, interpersonal and socioecological factors that influence colorectal cancer. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change

Imeri, H., Toth, J., Arnold, A., & Barnard, M. (2021). Use of the transtheoretical model in medication adherence: A systematic review. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(5).

The article by Imeri et al. (2020) uses the transtheoretical model to assess medical adherence. The authors state that the model has six stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, maintenance, action and termination, which help guide an individual towards adopting effective behaviors. From the authors’ perspective, they use the article to emphasize the need to comply with medication while stating the repercussions of failing to comply. Medication non-compliance affects many people, starting with the individual, the healthcare facility, healthcare providers, patient families, and the country.

The article relates to the selected theory since healthcare providers can easily acknowledge the stage of medical adherence that the patient is in and formulate better ways to enhance medical adherence. Concerning the article used by future nurse practitioners, the article would be essential to identify the patient’s stages during patient education on medication adherence to ensure that the nurses integrate the most effective strategy that will result in improved healthcare outcomes. Also, considering medication non-compliance’s impact on patients and other stakeholders, the article can be used when conducting evidence-based research towards implementing quality improvement projects like the barcode system to prevent medication errors. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

Social Cognitive Theory

Stewart, J., Henderson, R., Michaluk, L., Deshler, J., Fuller, E., & Rambo-Hernandez, K. (2020). Using the Social Cognitive Theory Framework to Chart Gender Differences in the Developmental Trajectory of STEM Self-Efficacy in Science and Engineering Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 29(6), 758–773.

The article by Stewart et al. (2020) highlights how social cognitive theory can explain how women select their careers. The article highlights that some factors that influence female career choice are personal interactions and other people’s behaviors towards them, and in most cases, the environment also has a great impact. However, the authors indicate that it is always possible for individuals to modify their behaviors through self-monitoring, setting SMART goals and changing their current behaviors. Hence, the explanation using the Bandura theory to explain why most women are not presented in stereotypical fields meant for men.

The article is necessary since it uses cognitive theory to show that self-efficacy factors affect women and how small gender differences can be misinterpreted in terms of careers associated with women. Future nurse practitioners may use the article during counselling sessions where parents must acknowledge that they can empower and disempower their children, particularly girls when they decide to pursue sciences. That is because sciences are stereotyped to belong to males since it is the gender that predominates the field. Therefore, the role of nurse practitioners will be to ensure that they restore gender efficacy and ensure that gender discrimination is avoided by all means to ensure that all genders are given equal opportunities. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

Family Systems Theory

Dunst, C. J. (2023). Meta-Analyses of the Relationships between Family Systems Practices, Parents’ Psychological Health, and Parenting Quality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(18), 6723–6723.

The Dunst (2023) article analyzes the effects of strengths, support, resources, and family needs in the family system regarding parenting quality and parents’ psychological health for families with children with identified medical conditions, disabilities or at-risk poor outcomes conditions. The authors reanalyzed previous meta-analyses on parents’ psychological health outcomes in family system practice, including parenting quality outcomes. In that case, the article’s finding is that the effects of parents’ psychological health and family systems’ practice on the quality of parenting were primarily independent and direct. However, the relationship between parenting quality and family system practice is partially connected with the parent’s psychological health. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

The article relates to the family system theory since it assesses how a relationship between parents and children with disability is affected and the possible outcomes. Also, the article is relevant since it identifies areas that researchers can use to enhance an understanding of how parents and children with medical complications relate. These areas include identifying other mediator variables that will help explain the indirect effects of family systems practices on assessing parenting practices, behaviors, and beliefs. That will help all parents with children with different medical conditions to provide quality parenting skills to prevent exposing these children to more dangers like falls.

Family Assessment and Intervention Model

McCarthy, E., & Guerin, S. (2021). Family‐centered care in early intervention: A systematic review of the processes and outcomes of family‐centred care and impacting factors. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48(1), 1–32. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

The Family Assessment and Intervention Model aims to identify the sources of family stress and develop coping mechanisms. Although unique, all families share a common structure. It also reflects that the family’s response to an event depends on its psychological, spiritual, and physical makeup and social groups. According to McCarthy and Guerin (2021), the model helps them strengthen their defences in response to stressors since every family member has a certain function to perform. As a result, McCarthy and Guerin (2021) created the model to support nurses who are providing care or dealing with families while under pressure regarding their health.


The article related to the selected theory since it utilizes the Family Systems Stressor-Strength Inventory that McCarthy and Guerin (2021) use to aid in the identification of areas in which a family is strong and where support is required and that the Family Assessment and Intervention Model is more effective to young adults receiving disability services. The article will be essential for nurse practitioners in the future to help them detect events that might adversely affect a family and create stress. That is because finding interventions that might help the entire family is crucial and should be used at the early stages of treatment, particularly for patients with special needs. That is because these families rely on nurses to support them in all areas that may affect them, including spiritually, physically, psychologically and socially. Hence, during practice, nurses should always focus on formulating interventions with long-term benefits that can help each individual and the family cope with the situation to the point of acceptance and become ready to support the children. The Health Belief Model Assignment Discussion

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