
The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

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Project-Database Plan

The nursing problem that will be addressed in this paper is medication errors in hospitals. Medication errors can lead to adverse drug events, which cause harm to patients and result in prolonged hospitalization, increased healthcare costs, and even death. A database is needed to help identify and prevent medication errors by tracking medication orders, administration, and patient outcomes. Harrington (2016) explained that A Database Management System (DBMS) is important because it allows organizations to efficiently manage and store large amounts of data, while providing secure access and ensuring data integrity. The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion


Conceptual Data Model

The conceptual data model for the medication error database is designed to track medication orders, administration, and dispensing to patients and includes seven entities namely Patient, Medication Order, Medication Administration, Medication, Physician, Nurse, and Pharmacy (Bagui & Earp, 2017). Firstly, the Patient entity represents the person receiving medical treatment and has multiple medication orders associated with them. Secondly, the Medication Order entity represents a prescription or order for medication given to a patient by a physician. Each medication order is associated with only one patient but can be written by multiple physicians. Thirdly, the Medication Administration entity represents the actual act of administering medication to a patient, and it is performed by a nurse, physician, or other authorized medical personnel. Fourthly, the Medication entity represents a specific drug or medication that is prescribed to a patient. Each medication is associated with multiple medication orders, and each medication order contains one or more medications. Fifthly, the Physician entity represents a medical doctor who is authorized to write medication orders for patients, while the Nurse entity represents a medical professional who is authorized to administer medications to patients. Every physician can write multiple medication orders for multiple patients, and each nurse can perform multiple medication administrations for multiple patients. Finally, the Pharmacy entity represents a facility or organization that dispenses medications to patients. And the pharmacy dispenses medications for multiple medication orders and multiple patients. The relationships between entities are as follows: The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

  1. A Patient can have multiple Medication Orders.
  2. A Medication Order can be written by a Physician
  • A Medication Order can be dispensed by a Pharmacy
  1. A Medication Order can have multiple Medications
  2. A Medication can be administered to a Patient
  3. A Medication Administration can be performed by a Nurse

Justification for Entity Selection

  1. Patients are the individuals who receive medication and are directly affected by medication errors.
  2. Medication orders are the instructions written by physicians for the administration of medication to patients.
  3. Medication administrations are the acts of giving medication to patients. Tracking medication administrations can help identify errors and prevent adverse drug events.
  4. Medication: Medications are the drugs that are administered to patients. Tracking medications can help identify errors and prevent adverse drug events.
  5. Physicians write medication orders, and their involvement is critical in preventing medication errors.
  6. Nurses administer medications, and their involvement is also crucial in preventing medication errors.
  7. Pharmacies dispense medications and can be a source of error if medications are not correctly labeled or dispensed.

E-R Diagram Explanation

The E-R diagram shows the relationships between the entities in the medication error database (See appendix). The Patient entity is connected to the Medication Order entity with a one-to-many relationship because a patient can have multiple medication orders and the Medication Order entity is connected to the Physician entity with a many-to-one relationship because a physician can write multiple medication orders. Also, the Medication Order entity is connected to the Pharmacy entity with a many-to-one relationship because a pharmacy dispenses multiple medication orders while the Medication Order entity is connected to the Medication entity with a one-to-many relationship because a medication order has multiple medications (Malikov, Rustamov & Ne’matov, 2020)The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion. The Medication Administration entity, on its part, is connected to the Medication entity with a many-to-one relationship because a medication is administered multiple times and the Medication Administration entity is connected to the Nurse entity with a many-to-one relationship because a nurse can administer multiple medications.

Questions for the Database

  1. How many medication errors have occurred in the hospital in the last year?
  2. Which medications are most commonly associated with medication errors?
  3. Which physicians and nurses have the highest rate of medication errors?


A database is needed to help identify and prevent medication errors in hospitals. The conceptual data model includes entities such as Patient, Medication Order, Medication Administration, Medication, Physician, Nurse, and Pharmacy. The E-R diagram shows the relationships between these entities, including one-to-many and many-to-one relationships. The questions for the database can help identify patterns and areas for improvement in medication administration. Implementing this database enables hospitals to improve patient safety and reduce the incidence of adverse drug events.


Bagui, S., & Earp, R. (2017). Database design using entity-relationship diagrams. Crc Press.

Harrington, J. L. (2016). Relational database design and implementation. Morgan Kaufmann.

Malikov, M. R., Rustamov, A. A., & Ne’matov, N. I. (2020). Strategies for Development of Medical Information Systems. Theoretical & Applied Science, (9), 388-392. The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion


Database Plan

Which nurses work on which units?

The nurses have the role of taking care of the patients. They are often assigned to patients in each unit. The nurses work in different units. Some examples of these units could be the medical-surgery unit, critical care unit, those who work in pain management units, labor and delivery units, and neuroscience, among others.  The nurses have to take care of all the patients equally despite the differences they may have among them (Fowler et al., 2021).  The nurses have to ensure that they are communicating effectively within an organization. The healthcare providers must work together as a team in taking care of the patients and they have to let the patients decide on the kind of care they want and whether they will continue with the course of treatment they are being urged to take or not.

How many patients are assigned to each unit?

The patients assigned to each unit are about 5 to 6 and each nurse is responsible for taking care of around 1 to 5 patients. The ratio is vital since it helps the nurses to focus on the patients and in erase their satisfaction rates and experiences. It also help the nurses to avoid other problems like burnout and stress as they are taking care of many patients (Frisch & Rabinowitsch, 2019)The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion.  The nurses take care of the patients in the units based on the work that they have been given and the category of patients they should be taking care of.

The image below shows the E-R relationship in a diagram. It shows that different entities within a healthcare system have distinct roles.

Which physician cared for the most patients?

            Patients have certain roles within the healthcare profession. The physicians are given the role of attending to the patients. They are the main individuals in the provision of care and they help the patients to know what disease they may be having and the things that can be done to deal with them. The physicians carry out tests on the patients to determine their conditions and they help them get better. The patients are the people who are unwell and their quality of life may have declined. The patients have a role to decide on the kind of care they want.

Which nurses cared for which patient?

Nurses are considered to be the people who help physicians in the provision of care to a patient. The nurses help them to continue monitoring the patient’s vital signs and carry out generalized care. There are other staff members within the healthcare sector and they help in tracking the performance. For instance, some people ensure that the hospital is clean and the right hygiene is upheld in the healthcare sector.  There are also some staff members responsible only for caregiving whereby they participate in roles like helping those who have been unable to do their normal daily activities.  For the patients to get better they have to take some drugs. They are a form of treatment and they aim at improving the lives of people and helping them to regain their health.  The treatment can be pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Drugs are examples pf pharmacological treatments the non-pharmacological treatments that the patients may participate in include therapies and other non-drug therapies the patients get.

The physicians must ensure that all the patients get equal treatment despite the severity of their condition. They must give priority to the patients in critical care and those who require special care. They have to ensure that all patients get equal care despite their race and other differences they may have between them (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). Nonetheless, nurses have to give the patients with unique care and they must be keen to avoid issues like the development of medical errors.

 What challenges were being witnessed?

There are certain challenges that patients within healthcare face. The first is to hire enough healthcare providers who will mainly play a role in ensuring the patients get excellent care. The patient-to-physician ratio has to be manageable to avoid adverse patient outcomes. The challenge is common since there are not enough healthcare professionals in a  facility and some may not be providing the right amount of care they are getting (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022)The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion. The solution to these challenges is for the healthcare facilities to improve communication with the physicians and improve the kind of services they are providing. Healthcare professionals have to work as a team to deal with the challenges they are facing. The other way is for the physicians to prioritize the well-being of the patients in ensuring that they get better.

How many errors in patient information have been reported since the inception of the database?

Since the inception of the database, less errors have been witnessed. The database has been very effective in saving patient information and protecting it from being accessed by the third parties.

What is the average time taken to retrieve a patient’s data on health risk factors following the adoption of database to manage patient data?

The average time taken to retrieve patient data related to risk fac tors when using the database is about 10 to 15 minutes. Accessing the database is faster than accessing the normal files saved by a patient.

What is the average service quality (on a scale of 1-10) based on a patient’s satisfaction ratings during billing and admission for the last six months since the adoption of a database? The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

On a  scale of 1010, the average service quality based on the patient satisfaction ratings is 8. No database is perfect, and it has errors just like any other database and the satisfaction rates are higher since it makes billing and admission faster.


Fowler, J., Jarvis, P., & Chevannes, M. (2021). Practical statistics for nursing and health care. John Wiley & Sons.

Frisch, N. C., & Rabinowitsch, D. (2019). What’s in a definition? Holistic nursing, integrative health care, and integrative nursing: report of an integrated literature review. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 37(3), 260-272.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

 Project Entities and Relationships

An entity is an object wrapper in a database used to store and delineate information important to a project. The entities that will be part of the patient information database are independent, characteristic, and dependent entities. Independent entities form the backbone and building blocks of the database. Their primary key can either be simple or composite. Independent entities do not depend on other entities for their existence, and other tables are based on them (Malikov et al., 2020)The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion. On the other hand, dependent entities depend on other tables for their meanings, are used to connect two kernels together, and may have other attributes. Dependent entities can either have a new simple primary key or use a composite key with foreign keys. Characteristic entities provide more information about other tables and entities, have multivalued attributes, and have many relationships.

Attributes define the information concerning an entity to be stored. For instance, when the entity is a patient, the attributes will include name, identity card number, home location, vitals, and health plan enrollment (Manogaran et al., 2020). An entity can have one or more attributes. A patient file number is used to identify a particular patient, and the number belongs to that patient’s entity alone. An attribute can also be defined in terms of domains and keys, with each domain containing legal values (Meier & Kaufmann, 2019). The information on attribute domain is not included on the entity relationship diagram. A primary key is a unique identifier that identifies an entity and has values unique to each record. For instance, a patient will only have a single identification number unique to themselve


Malikov, M. R., Rustamov, A. A., & Ne’matov, N. I. (2020). Strategies For Development Of Medical Information Systems. Theoretical & Applied Science, (9), 388-392.

Manogaran, G., Shakeel, P. M., Baskar, S., Hsu, C. H., Kadry, S. N., Sundarasekar, R., … & Muthu, B. A. (2020). FDM: Fuzzy-optimized data management technique for improving big data analytics. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems29(1), 177-185.

Meier, A., & Kaufmann, M. (2019). SQL & NoSQL databases. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

Project: Database Plan


Guidelines with Scoring Rubric


This paper presents a database plan for a nursing or healthcare problem dealt with in the past or active in the present.  Explain the problem and the reason(s) a database is needed. Provide a conceptual data model for the planned database. Name all the entities planned for the database and justify their selection. In an appendix, provide an E-R diagram that shows each entity, names the identifier for each entity, and illustrates the relationships between each entity, noting the cardinality.  In the paper, write a narrative explanation of key parts of the E-R diagram, including how you arrived at some of the decisions on relationships and cardinality. Include three questions planned for this database (the original questions from the discussion in week 1 may be used)The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion. Provide a recap of the paper and discuss insights on databases developed as a result of working on this assignment. Support all decisions from the scholarly literature.

Preparing the paper

Please Note: The database project will be developed in Microsoft Excel or Access

Criteria for Content:

  1. An introduction informs about the topic of the paper and how it is organized.
  2. Explanation of the selected problem and why it needs a database as an information-management solution
  3. Explanation of a conceptual data model for the planned database
  4. All entities planned for the database are named.
  5. A justification or rationale for each entity is provided.
  6. The E-R diagram for each entity is discussed briefly in the text and is found in an appendix. The E-R diagrams can be created for individual entities mapped to all other relevant entities or a single E-R diagram showing all entities and their relationships may be provided.
  7. The identifier for each entity is named. The identifier can be narrated in the paper or included with the E-R diagram in the appendix.
  8. The relationships between entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in the E-R diagram in the appendix or in a separate appendix.
  9. Three questions planned for the database are provided. The original questions presented in week 1 discussion may be used, or revised questions may be presented.
  10. A conclusion that recaps the paper and discusses insights gained from working on this assignment is presented. The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

Criteria for Paper Format and Special Instructions:

  1. E-R diagrams will be in an appendix with your 3 questions on the document.
  2. Illustrations of entity relationships will be in an appendix
  3. Drawings can be done with Microsoft Office tools, or with third-party software
  4. The database project will be developed in Microsoft Excel or Access
  5. All aspects of the paper must be in current APA format
  6. Only scholarly literature is used to support decisions
  7. The paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) must be 2-4 pages.
  8. A minimum of 3 references are required. One of the course texts may be used as a reference.
  9. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations, and references are consistent with formal academic writing. The Medication Error Database Assignment Discussion

Please Note: The database project will be developed in Microsoft Excel or Access

Criteria for Content:

1. An introduction informs about the topic of the paper and how it is organized.
2. Explanation of the selected problem and why it needs a database as an information-management solution
3. Explanation of a conceptual data model for the planned database
4. All entities planned for the database are named.
5. A justification or rationale for each entity is provided.
6. The E-R diagram for each entity is discussed briefly in the text and is found in an appendix. The E-R diagrams can be created for individual entities mapped to all other relevant entities or a single E-R diagram showing all entities and their relationships may be provided.
7. The identifier for each entity is named. The identifier can be narrated in the paper or included with the E-R diagram in the appendix.
8. The relationships between entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in the E-R diagram in the appendix or in a separate appendix.
9. Three questions planned for the database are provided. The original questions presented in week 1 discussion may be used, or revised questions may be presented.
10. A conclusion that recaps the paper and discusses insights gained from working on this assignment is presented.


Criteria for Paper Format and Special Instructions:

1. E-R diagrams will be in an appendix with your 3 questions on the document
2. Illustrations of entity relationships will be in an appendix
3. Drawings can be done manually, with Microsoft Office tools, or with third-party software
4. The database project will be developed in Microsoft Ecxel or Access
5. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the current edition
6. Only scholarly literature is used to support decisions
7. The paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) must be 2-4 pages.
8. A minimum of 3 references are required. One of the course texts may be used as a reference.
9. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations, and references are consistent with formal academic writing.

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