
The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

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In 450–500 words, address the following:

Learning From Experiences

Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.
Reflect on the three most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?
What did you learn from this experience?
What resources were available?
What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
What would you do differently?
How are you managing patient flow and volume?
Communicating and Feedback

Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?
Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper


Week 10 Discussion

Practicum experience is important in developing clinical skills as it is designed to provide real-life, hands-on experience in the nursing field (Kaihlanen et al., 2021). The practicum experience enabled me to achieve my goals and objectives to a great extent. This was possible through my participation in training seminars to learn new techniques that could be employed during therapy session and studying relevant materials such as books and articles.  I was able to enhance skills through watching others work first-hand before practicing oneself alongside seasoned professionals who offer guidance throughout each step along the way The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

In my practicum experience, I dealt with several challenging patients; among them, the three toughest cases were those suffering from complex mental health problems and showing resistance to treatment.  The first individual was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, and was having difficulties with addiction.  The patient showed indifference towards participating in therapy and declined to make any lifestyle changes.  An elderly individual with dementia who had behavioral problems and was resistant to medications was the second challenging patient.  The third challenging patient had chronic pain, depression, in his medical history and traditional treatment methods did not work.

The biggest difficulty with these patients was locating an effective treatment approach.  I understood that all patients possess their own characteristics and necessitate a specialized approach for their medical care.  I also got to learn that the success of the treatment plan depends on building rapport and trust with the patient. To manage these challenges, I utilized various resources, such as consulting with my preceptor, researching evidence-based practices, and collaborating with other healthcare providers.

For the first patient, I used cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing techniques, and also referred the patient to a specialist for addiction treatment. For the second patient, I utilized non-pharmacological interventions such as music therapy, pet therapy, and aromatherapy, and also collaborated with the patient’s family members to create a supportive environment. For the third patient, I used a combination of CBT, mindfulness-based interventions, and physical therapy, and also referred the patient to a pain management specialist.

Looking back, I would have done some things differently. For example, I would have spent more time building rapport with the patients and exploring their personal histories and needs to create a more individualized treatment plan. I also would have consulted with my preceptor more frequently and collaborated with other healthcare providers earlier in the treatment process The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

To manage patient flow and volume, I utilized organizational tools such as calendars, checklists, and prioritization techniques. I also learned to delegate tasks and responsibilities to other healthcare providers when appropriate and communicate effectively with them to ensure that the patient’s needs were met.

In terms of improving my skills and knowledge and communicating those efforts to my preceptor, I plan to continue attending training sessions, reading literature and resources, and seeking feedback from my preceptor and other healthcare providers. I also plan to reflect on my experiences and learn from my mistakes to improve my practice.

In reflecting on how I am doing and what is missing, I feel that I have made significant progress in achieving my objectives. However, I believe that I could have benefited from more opportunities to analyze and interpret screening results independently. Additionally, I would like to improve my skills in managing patient flow and volume to ensure that I am providing the best care possible.

During my practicum experience, I received both formal and informal feedback from my preceptor. The formal feedback included evaluations of my performance in conducting psychotherapy sessions, selecting and implementing screening tools, and making treatment recommendations based on screening results. The informal feedback included discussions about my strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement, and feedback on specific cases. I found this feedback to be invaluable in improving my practice and achieving my goals and objectives The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper


Kaihlanen, A. M., Gluschkoff, K., Koskinen, S., Salminen, L., Strandell‐Laine, C., Fuster Linares, P., … & ProCompNurse Consortium. (2021). Final clinical practicum shapes the transition experience and occupational commitment of newly graduated nurses in Europe—A longitudinal study. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(12), 4782-4792.


 Practicum Experience Plan

 Objective 1: To improve my skills in conducting psychotherapy sessions.

 Planned Activities:

  • Attend psychotherapy training sessions.
  • Review literature and resources on best practices in conducting psychotherapy.
  • Observe and participate in psychotherapy sessions with experienced clinicians.
  • Conduct mock psychotherapy sessions under the supervision of a preceptor.

Mode of Assessment: Preceptor evaluation of my ability to conduct effective psychotherapy sessions.

PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:

  • Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement a treatment plan for patients through psychotherapy.
  • Utilize various psychotherapeutic approaches and techniques.
  • Demonstrate effective communication and active listening skills during psychotherapy sessions The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

Objective 2: To improve my skills in selecting and implementing screening tools and interpreting results.

Planned Activities:

  • Attend training sessions on selecting and implementing screening tools.
  • Review literature and resources on best practices in selecting and implementing screening tools.
  • Conduct mock screening sessions under the supervision of a preceptor.
  • Review and interpret screening results under the supervision of a preceptor.

Mode of Assessment: Preceptor evaluation of my ability to select and implement appropriate screening tools and interpret results.

PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:

  • Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate screening tools for patients.
  • Implement screening tools effectively and efficiently.
  • Interpret and communicate screening results accurately and effectively.

Objective 3: To improve my skills in making recommendations based on screening results.

 Planned Activities:

  • Attend training sessions on making recommendations based on screening results.
  • Review literature and resources on best practices in making recommendations based on screening results.
  • Analyze and interpret screening results under the supervision of a preceptor.
  • Develop treatment recommendations based on screening results.

Mode of Assessment: Preceptor evaluation of my ability to make appropriate treatment recommendations based on screening results.

 PRAC Course Outcome(s) Addressed:

  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret screening results accurately.
  • Develop effective treatment recommendations based on screening results.
  • Communicate treatment recommendations clearly and effectively to patients and other healthcare providers. The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

Nursing Theory:

A nursing theory that could guide clinical practice is the Roy Adaptation Model. This model focuses on the individual’s ability to adapt to stressors and the nursing interventions needed to promote adaptation. The model has been applied to psychiatric nursing care and has been found to be effective in promoting patient adaptation and improving outcomes (Callis, 2020).

A counseling/psychotherapy theory that could guide clinical practice is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a goal-oriented therapy that focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors to improve mood and overall functioning. CBT has been found to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression (Tanoue et al.,  2018)The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper.

Part 3: Projected Timeline/Schedule

  Number of Clinical Hours Projected for Week Number of Weekly Hours for Professional Development Number of Weekly Hours for Practicum Coursework
Week 1 8 10 10
Week 2 16 10 10
Week 3 16 10 10
Week 4 16 10 10
Week 5 16 10 10
Week 6 16 10 10
Week 7 16 10 10
Week 8 16 10 10
Week 9 16 10 10
Week 10 16 10 10
Week 11 8 10 10
Total Hours (must meet the following requirements) 144 or 160 Hours    


Part 4 – Signatures

Student Signature (electronic):              Sungjea Kang                   Date: 3/11/23

 Practicum Faculty Signature (electronic)**:                        Date:


Callis, A. M. B. (2020). Application of the Roy Adaptation Theory to a care program for nurses. Applied Nursing Research, 56, 151340.

Tanoue, H., Yoshinaga, N., Kato, S., Naono-Nagatomo, K., Ishida, Y., & Shiraishi, Y. (2018). Nurse-led group cognitive behavioral therapy for major depressive disorder among adults in Japan: A preliminary single-group study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 5(3), 218-222 The Practicum Experience Plan Essay Assignment Paper

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