
The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion

The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion

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Healthcare professionals, especially nurse practitioners, have more excellent opportunities and approaches that they can implement to ensure that patients and populations understand the desired behavioral factors for preventing chronic illnesses. Nurse practitioners can act as models by setting an acceptable code of behavior and ensuring that patients and people live by these standards. Therefore, nurse practitioners and other healthcare professionals must modify the work environment to ensure that the climate accommodates individuals of all sociocultural orientations (Gomez Del Pulgar et al., 2022). The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion

Nursing professionals must set standards and ensure occupational safety and wellbeing are maintained for all individuals and populations, ensuring that workplaces are culturally diverse and offer opportunities to individuals to lead a high-quality and independent lifestyle. A healthy work environment requires the elimination of all health hazards, stressors, risks for injuries, and behavioral factors such as sedentary lifestyles that expose the affected persons to high risk for noncommunicable chronic diseases (Gomez Del Pulgar et al., 2022). These conditions can be prevented by modeling an environment that minimizes overdependence on technology in performing roles and responsibilities, maintains an active lifestyle, and encourages individuals to adhere to health promotion and preventive strategies.


A culture of a healthy nation can arise if nursing professionals at all levels can mobilize resources, support populations and communities, and create an enabling environment that enhances patient safety and wellbeing through evidence-based practices (Flaubert et al., 2021). Nursing professionals can communicate, collaborate, and consult stakeholders across all sectors and departments to maintain the community’s healthy and high quality of life (Yousefi et al., 2019). Therefore, healthcare professionals need restructuring to promote the incorporation of new technologies into practice, recognize and implement culturally appropriate approaches, and enhance the implementation of population and problem-based approaches rather than generalized strategies in improving healthy behaviors and lifestyles, which is critical for preventing non-communicable diseases. The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion


Flaubert, J. L., Menestrel, S. L., Williams, D. R., & Wakefield, M. K. (2021). The role of nurses in improving health care access and quality. In National Academies Press (US).

Gomez Del Pulgar, M., Cuevas-Budhart, M. A., Hernández-Iglesias, S., Kappes, M., Riquelme Contreras, V. A., Rodriguez-Lopez, E., De Almeida Souza, A. M., Gonzalez Jurado, M. A., & Crespo Cañizares, A. (2022). Best nursing intervention practices to prevent non-communicable disease: A systematic review. Public Health Reviews, 43, 1604429.

Yousefi, H., Ziaee, E. S., & Golshiri, P. (2019). Nurses’ consultative role to health promotion in patients with chronic diseases. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 8(178).  The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion

Noncommunicable diseases and prevention are an important aspect of the United Sustainable goals. As Nurse practitioners we play an important role in influencing health policies that affect legislation surrounding the different disease processes.

Read chapters 4 & 5 of the textbook and complete the case study questions for chapter 5 NCDs: Nursing Opportunity?

Your assignment submission should be 200-250 words in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking and a thorough understanding of the topic. Ensure you submit your paper in APA format.The Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Non-communicable Diseases Essay Discussion

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