
The Spiritual Growth Assignment Discussion

The Spiritual Growth Assignment Discussion

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Discussion 1: Spiritual Growth

Answer the following question:

Give a personal example of someone who has had a profound influence on your spiritual growth. Tell us how this came within (or not within) the context of a one-on-one discipleship relationship?

Spiritual growth entails an individual learning and leaning more into God. Every person journey in knowing God takes different aspect or route.  This can be through ones faith community, volunteer or individual, via a Chaplin or any other approaches which fosters ones focus on the relationship with God. Growing our spirituality can be a critical source of help when dealing with challenges faced in life while fostering growing into more whole, better and happy person The Spiritual Growth Assignment Discussion.


While growing spiritually takes different ways, connecting with other Christians, forming prayer habits and participating in bible studying has been critical contributor to my spiritual growth. My local chaplain has been my go-to person in regard to my spiritual growth and journey. Being my senior, the chaplain has fostered my spirituality by exploring my faith and beliefs hence understanding aspects which impede or facilitate peace within self. Not only has be been my god father, but also helps in discerning Gods will, as he wants the best put of me and for me. He has been the motivation to improve my personal relationship with Gd and hence encouraging the need to invest in such relationship hence growing spiritually The Spiritual Growth Assignment Discussion.

Discipleship entails a long-term relationship which is focused on positive growth and recruitment of future disciples or followers. The discipler bears the responsibility for the followers spiritual welfare. With reference to my case, the discipleship can be regarded as one-on-one model as the Chaplain scavenges for all necessary aspects to foster the growth in spirituality. However, having grown into spirituality, I have learned to reach out for other motivations such as prayers and bible reading The Spiritual Growth Assignment Discussion

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