
Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion

Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion

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Fuder, John. Training Students for Urban Ministry: An Experiential Approach. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publ., 2001.

a 3-5 page report on Training Students. Explain how the texts contributed to your understanding of research for ministry purposes. Process the books through your current and future ministry activities. Highlight specific themes, chapters, insights that you found to be of particular relevance Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion


my Future Ministry is to be a hospital Chaplin and Street Minister

An urban ministry refers to a program that helps to prepare members of the clergy and other religious professionals by equipping them with skills and appropriate knowledge to provide counseling, spiritual and leadership support to people residing in the urban areas. Urban ministry is an essential responsibility more so among the young generation. Denominational churches should consider giving priority to urban ministry as this is a biblical responsibility to the members of the clergy as it will helps in reinforcing the church. Further, urban ministry can be a critical milestone in bringing the most vulnerable members of the society such as youths to Jesus Christ. The youth remains a vulnerable group in that the current challenges of drug abuse, sexual immorality as well as poverty which has influenced many of them to engage in un-Godly acts such as terrorism, theft and murder Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion

The course readings have been essential in establishing my understanding of the purpose for urban ministries as well as how to be a good minister in various ministries. My Future Ministry is to be a hospital Chaplin and Street Minister and for this reason, I feel the texts highlighted in the book, Training Students for Urban Ministry, offers me an appropriate opportunity to expand my future roles as minister. As a Christian, I underscore the fact that God has good plans for every individual and hence, the need for a well though curriculum design that will allow the ministry leaders guide and lead the people in the urban areas according to Gods plans as enshrined in the bible. Further, I have come to acknowledge that there are many people and especially youths in our society that do not have appropriate and well nurtured ministry leaders who can help them maneuver through the day to day spiritual needs Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion.

One of the necessitating factors for training students for urban ministry is for generational continuity in Christianity given that one generation must be responsible for the next one. Among the youth ministry, urban ministry is of great significance because it helps to raise God fearing people for future generations. Given the various temptations that ministry leaders encounter in the cities, it is important to train students for urban ministries to equip them with appropriate skills that will not only helps  them maneuver the challenging atmosphere in the city but also learn to manage people of diverse groups. The increased advancement in technology has contributed to the emergency of evils in society, aspects that makes evangelical works difficult.

My Future Ministry is to be a hospital Chaplin and Street Minister; both of the ministries come with a set of challenges that require a high level of knowledge and skills to manage these two groups of audience. Being a hospital chaplain I am likely to encounter several challenges such as emotional balance while handling critical issues such as when working with family members to a critically ill patient. Also, working as a street minister is associated with unique challenges given that street families may have varied religious beliefs and hence, learning their doctrines as part of my evangelical works may be serious change. Other challenges that I am likely to encounter include the work- life balance and making time for self-care Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion.

The text has given me an opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of research for ministry purposes. For that purpose, I have learnt the various issues that are directly relevant to the urban ministries. For instance, I have been able to acquire appropriate skills and knowledge in regards to the general survey of the varied challenges facing urban areas. Urban areas form part of the vulnerable areas that pose several challenges in the course of evangelism among ministry leaders hence, the need to be equipped with appropriate knowledge to handle any of such issuers that may arise during evangelism. For instance, one of challenge associated with street ministry is the busy pace of life. The cost of living in the urban centers is extremely high and this increases the demand for work so as to have more than one source of income to meet the human needs. As a result, most of the people strive to adjust their schedules to meet the high work demands and hence, they have very little time or even non to dedicate for the word of God. However, despite this challenge, the readings have enlighten me with better ways of accessing those who may be extremely busy such as taking the word to their place of work. My future ministry will be a hospital chaplain and a street minister. In the hospital, I will be able to meet with healthcare providers, a special class of workers with very tight schedule and hence, bring the word of God closer to them Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion.

Another challenge in the urban ministry is the diverse groups of people who reside in the urban areas. The diversity among people who live in urban areas ranges from differences in the socio-economic status to ethnic diversity. In reality, this kind of diversity can be challenging to maneuver through and hence, this makes the ministry very challenges to meet the goals of a minister. Despite the challenges in navigating through the neighborhood which is characterized with a lot of diversity, I have learnt that this as well poses a great deal of opportunity to depict the kingdom of God. For instance, ministering in a diverse atmosphere will result to a church whose main identifier is Christ, who is the universal identity of the church. In a way reconciling the different ethnic and socio-economic groups of people will help in reflecting how Christ universally reconciles human beings Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion.


Another challenge that I have identified in the urban ministry is the crisis of human need. Even though a crisis of human need exists in rural areas, urban areas are more overburdened. In urban areas, there is a high prevalence of homelessness, single parenthood, drug addiction as well as violence, both of which contribute to an increase in the crisis of human need. The high level of violence in urban areas is associated with loss of lives thereby exposing vulnerable members of society such as children to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis including loss of parents or guardians as others resort to street families. With the increase in the level of need many children are taken to foster care centers and other shelter centers some of which are forced to turn away to seeking refuge. At this situation, this turns to be an opportunity to showcase the power of the gospel as addicts are rehabilitated and children and the homeless are comfortably accommodated in safe places.

To sum up, it is evident that urban ministry is very challenging and hence requires a minister with a high level of humility and persistence to helps them overcome the concrete challenges they encounter so as to plant seeds of hope in the current generation. It is also fundamental for the urban ministers to take the challenges positively and understand that this is a God given opportunity to serve Him Training Students For Urban Ministry Essay Discussion

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