
Unit 8 Written Assignment

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Area Minimal Adequate Good Exceptional Total

Content of

Paper shows a minimal
understanding or
application of the
reading and video
materials and addresses
only a few of the
assignment prompts.

Paper provides minimal
coverage of the required
elements, for either
diagnostic formulation or
treatment options.

Critical analysis shows
minimal insight or ability
to generalize and apply
theory to cases.

Paper demonstrates that
few of the assigned
course materials and
readings were used to
for its content.

0-6 points

Paper shows an
understanding and
application of the
reading and video
materials but only
addresses some of the
assignment prompts.

Paper provides some
coverage of the required
elements for either
diagnostic formulation
and/or treatment

Critical analysis shows
some insight and/or
ability to generalize and
apply theory to cases.

Paper demonstrates that
some of the assigned
course materials and
readings were used to
for its content.

7-10 points

Paper shows a clear
understanding and
application of the
reading and video
materials and addresses
most of the assignment

Paper provides
substantial coverage of
the required elements,
including a diagnostic
formulation and
treatment options.

Critical analysis often
shows insight and ability
to generalize and apply
theory to cases.

Paper demonstrates that
most of the assigned
course materials and
readings were used to
for its content.

11-13 points

Paper shows a thorough
and in-depth
understanding and
application of the
reading and video
materials and fully
addresses all the
assignment prompts.

Paper provides
comprehensive/ detailed
coverage of the required
elements, including a
cogent diagnostic
formulation and relevant
treatment options.

Critical analysis
consistently shows
insight and ability to
generalize and apply
theory to cases.

Paper demonstrates that
the assigned course
materials and readings
were used to for its

14-15 points


APA style and

Poor attention to
structure and form of
APA style for title page,
content, citations, and

Paper contains repetitive
errors in grammar,
and/or the writing style
is disorganized or casual.

2 points

Basic structure of APA
followed with 3 or more
errors in APA style for
title page, content,
citations, and references.

Paper contains 3 or more
errors in grammar,
and/or the writing style
is casual or lacks a
professional approach.

3 points

Basic structure of APA
followed with no more
than 2 errors in APA style
for title page, content,
citations, and references.

Paper contains 2 or more
errors in grammar,
and/or the writing style
is adequate.

4 points

Basic structure of APA
followed with no more
than 1 error in APA style
for title page, content,
citations, and references.

Paper contains no errors
in grammar, and the
writing style is highly

5 points


Total: 20.0 points

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