
Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper

Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper

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According to Hossny & Sabra (2021), the capacity of a workplace evaluation to pinpoint areas of strength, weakness, and development is what makes it so important in creating a more positive and productive work environment. This discussion focuses on a workplace assessment, evaluating its civility. It also provides examples of cases where incivility has been experienced in the workplace, including how it was addressed. Workplace assessment is very important because it helps to foster a productive and healthy work environment (Khan et al., 2021)Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper.


Work Environment Assessment results

The assessment’s findings demonstrate a typically respectful work environment with excellent teamwork and communication. Workers are happy with the organization’s culture; they report friendly interactions and respect between coworkers. Minor adjustments could, nevertheless, improve general civility in a few instances.

The Civil Nature of the Workplace

Because of inclusive rules, open lines of communication, and team-building activities, the workplace is generally friendly (Sawada et al., 2021). Frequent diversity and inclusion training sessions promote a courteous workplace culture and a feeling of community among staff members (Hossny & Sabra, 2021)Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper. Even so, frequent communication breakdowns and little arguments underscore the necessity of continuous growth.

Incidents of Workplace Incivility and how to address them

There was an incident recently during a team meeting where two coworkers got into a heated argument over different viewpoints. The argument became more heated, which made everyone else in the room uncomfortable. The usually amicable environment among the team members was weakened by this episode. The team leader quickly stepped in to address the situation and led an organized conversation to identify the underlying problems. Open communication helped to establish a solution by allowing both sides to voice their opinions. The team leader also planned training on team building to improve conflict resolution and communication skills. The team used the situation as a lesson to emphasize how crucial it is to keep a polite workplace through efficient communication. Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper


In conclusion, even though most interactions at work are respectful, there is always space for development. A pleasant and courteous work atmosphere is ensured by swiftly addressing incidents of rudeness and putting in place continuing training initiatives. Constant attempts to improve communication and cultivate an understanding culture add to the general workplace civility.



Hossny, E. K., & Sabra, H. E. (2021). Effect of nurses’ perception to workplace civility climate on nurse-physician collaboration. Nursing open, 8(2), 620–627.

Khan, M. S., Elahi, N. S., & Abid, G. (2021). Workplace Incivility and Job Satisfaction: Mediation of Subjective Well-Being and Moderation of Forgiveness Climate in Health Care Sector. European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education, 11(4), 1107–1119.

Sawada, U., Shimazu, A., Kawakami, N., Miyamoto, Y., Speigel, L., & Leiter, M. P. (2021). The Effects of the Civility, Respect, and Engagement in the Workplace (CREW) Program on Social Climate and Work Engagement in a Psychiatric Ward in Japan: A Pilot Study. Nursing reports (Pavia, Italy), 11(2), 320–330. Work Environment Assessment Discussion Paper

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