
Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

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You are required to complete a project that includes the following elements:

You must engage a specific contemporary popular cultural medium (for example, a specific book or movie) and analyze it for its major themes and the worldview(s) it advances. You will also identify the best Christian responses to these worldviews.

You must participate in a substantial dialogue with other people (Christians or non-Christians) about the cultural artifact you have studied.

You must reflect theologically about your dialogue with these others, identifying what you take to be the good and bad parts of your exchange. In particular, you should consider the following questions: Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

Did these people agree with the worldviews I identified in this artifact and did they understand my assessment of those worldviews?
Did they understand how I think Christianity challenges, engages or supports this worldview?
What could I have done better? What went well?


[Note: a common way to complete this assignment is to host a movie night or book club, or to join a book discussion at a local library, etc. Please discuss with the instructor any questions or ideas you have about how to complete this project.]

To complete this project, you must submit a 2,000-2,500 word (8-10 page) report, detailing your project. This report must (at minimum) describe:
what you intended to do in this project,
how you prepared, what actually happened, and
then include substantial practical and theological reflection assessing the project and your effectiveness in it. This latter reflective portion should make up at least 50% of your report. Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper
Attach any supporting materials, like intended discussion questions and suggested answers, as appendices. Paper to be in proper MLA format, double-spaced.

Individuals interpret worldviews differently. A worldview is described as a person’s thoughts and beliefs concerning significant issues in life, including death, traditional values, moral rights, politics, money, and work. Moreover, worldview is considered the world’s comprehensive conception from a particular standpoint. Therefore, worldview enables individuals to gather beliefs that shape their daily activities and perceptions toward the world. The Christian worldview is the world’s comprehensive conception from a Christian standpoint. Christians’ worldview exceeds religious doctrines used at the church. They perceive the world from a Biblical perspective. Christians consider Jesus their worldview since He proclaimed Himself to be “The way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). However, worldview varies from Christian to Christian. This worldwide engagement project presents a dialogue concerning the studied cultural artifact and its evaluation based on Christianity and practical perspectives.

The Selected Cultural Artifact, its Significant Themes, and Presented Worldviews

            The selected cultural artifact is a French film, “Tomboy,” which was directed by Sciamma Celine in 2011. The movie is about a young girl’s transformed sexuality and gender identity. This film was preferred since the transformation of sexuality and intimacy among young people is one of the most prevalent revolutionary changes (Caltabiano et al., 1)Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper. This section summarizes the movie, its themes, and worldviews evident in the film based on a dialogue involving a group of Christians.

Film’s Summary

The main character in “Tomboy” is a 10-year-old, Laure, assigned a female gender at birth. Laure presents as a boy, Mikhael, once the family, including a father, expectant mother, and a younger sister, relocate to a new neighborhood for their summer holiday. Neighborhood children recognize Laure as a boy as they interact with them. Moreover, a girl from the new neighborhood, Lisa, assumes Mikhael is a boy due to his cropped hair and consistent dressing in shorts and T-shirts. Lisa asks Mikhaël’s name using a pronoun that implies he is a boy. Mikhaël soon adopts as a boy. Admiration of Lisa and other youngsters in the new neighborhood towards Mikaël persists. Consequently, Mikhaël develops self-confidence and retains the new gender identity throughout the summer holiday. Mikhaël then falls in love with Lisa and kisses her in one incident. Mikhaël’s parents later notice their changed gender identity. Their mother forces Mikhaël to wear a blue dress, making them embarrassed. Mikhaël runs to the woods to hide, where he removes the dress to retain his boy-style shorts. Mikhaël sees other children from the neighborhood in the distance after walking away from the discarded clothing. The children are speculating if Mikhaël is a boy or a girl. The boys chase and capture Mikhaël to confirm his gender identity. Lisa stands up to defend Mikhaël at this point. However, Lisa withdraws her support when the boys tell her it is disgusting to kiss Mikhaël if they are a girl. Lisa joins the boys in Mikhaël to the woods, leaving them devastated. Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

Major Themes

Sexuality and gender identity transformation are the most significant and complex themes throughout the film. The main character, Mikhaël, is determined to retain their new identity as a boy despite putting family members into awkward situations as they become aware of their impersonated identity. Moreover, Mikhaël does change his new identity despite the challenges associated with impersonating. Despite being chased to the woods by Lisa and the boys from their neighborhood, Mikhaël maintains their dress, a loose shirt, and baggy red shorts. Mikhael actions and sacrifice indicate their willingness to retain the new identity.

Furthermore, the film presents the theme of role and identity confusion. Mikhael depicts role confusion throughout the movie despite their preferred gender identity. Their physical appearance is challenged while interacting with friends from the new neighborhood based on their activities. For example, Mikhael fails to join their new friends for swimming. Additionally, Mikhael demonstrates identity confusion by cutting her shorts shorter to explore their feminine interests. However, Mikhael becomes comfortable upon examining themselves in the mirror. In another incident, Mikhael applied makeup tastefully while sitting on Lisa’s bed. Nonetheless, Mikhaël is uncomfortable and hides their face under a hoodie while on their way home. Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

Lastly, the film depicts social interactions at an early age. Mikhael relates well with her younger sister, Jeanne, throughout the film. Mikhael requests Jeanne to cut their hair to enable them to achieve their gender identity transformation goal. Moreover, Mikhael plays with their sister despite being interested in spending more time with new friends. Their good relationship is seen when Jeanne stands up to Mikhael when their mother cannot respond to find out about Mikhael’s change in behavior. Additionally, Mikhael relates well with their friends, including Lisa, and spends most of their time with them.

Worldview Advanced in the Film

Characters perceive various worldviews presented in the film differently. Sexuality and gender identity transformation are the most significant worldviews evident in the movie. Characters view gender identity transformation from different perspectives. Mikhael embraces gender identity transformation and considers it morally right. For this reason, they decide to shift from the sexuality assigned to them to birth, a female to a male. Mikhael tries to convince their new friends that he is a boy. The most significant changes involve cutting their hair and dressing in loose t-shirts and baggy shorts. Mikhael also changes his behaviors to fit in the new gender identity. They spend most of their time playing soccer with other boys. Additionally, Mikhaël’s younger sister, Jeanne, supports gender identity transformation. She assists Mikhaël in cutting their long hair to look more boyish. She also promises to keep secrets without informing their parents upon learning that Mikhaël has been impersonating a boy. Moreover, Jeanne emotionally supports her siblings when their mother scolds Mikhael for identifying as a boy. Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

On the contrary, some characters perceive gender identity transformation as immoral and oppose it. First, Mikhaël’s mother is against sexuality transformation. She scolds Mikhael upon learning from a neighbor about his impersonated identity. She also forces them to wear a blue dress when apologizing to the boy from the next apartment. Moreover, Mikhaël’s mother encourages them to make more effort to look feminine when Mikhaël gets home in makeup.

Additionally, Lisa and the boys from the new neighborhood are against Mikhaël’s change in gender identity. Lisa stands with Mikhaël initially. However, she later joins the boys in driving Mikhaël into the woods and leaves him there upon learning about their true identity.

Practical and Theological Reflection of the Project

            Worldview guides people in making significant decisions in their lives. Individuals support or engage in actions they believe in or consider morally correct. Additionally, the Christian worldview informs Christians about right actions. Thus, Christians only engage in activities that the Bible and other religious doctrines support. This reflection section assesses the project from Christian and practical perspectives.


Evaluating the Project Based on Christians’ Worldview

Christians rely on the Scripture for guidance and strength in their Christian journal. Thus, their perception or attitude towards a particular contemporary issue depends on Biblical teaching related to the topic of interest. This section assesses worldviews presented in the film from a Christian perspective.

The most significant worldview in the film is gender identity transformation. The main character, Mikhael, who was a female at birth, depicts sexual change by impersonating a boy. The Book of Genesis states that God created human beings, male and female, based on His image and likeness. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them,” (Genesis 1:27). Additionally, Psalm 139 states that God created humankind with love and intention, with every body part divinely formed with dignity. Moreover, the Book of Leviticus is against changed gender identity. “If a man lies with a male, as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death,” (Leviticus 20: 13)Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper. These Bible verses imply that gender identities were intentional. Individuals should value and treasure how they were created, including their sexuality, and use all their parts to fulfill God’s intention for their lives. Therefore, the gender identity transformation adopted in the film by Mikhael and supported by Lisa, their younger sister, is wrong based on Christian’s worldview.

Another worldview that is evident in the film is love. The Bible presents love as God’s greatest commandments. Christians are advised to Love their God unconditionally: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” ((Matthew 22:37). Christians should also express unconditional love toward other people. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” (Matthew 22:40). These verses indicate that Christians should express unconditional love towards God by obeying His commandments and serving Him. They should also express love to other people by being supportive of them and treating them fairly without discrimination. In the film, love is evident in Michael’s family. The family is united, and members support one another in good times and during challenging moments. For instance, Jeanne stands with Mikhael when their mother scolds them for behavior change. Their mother also expresses love towards Mikhael by encouraging them to make more effort to look feminine. Additionally, Mikhaël’s mother depicts love towards the neighboring family by instructing Mikhael to apologize to the boy from the next apartment for fighting him. Therefore, Michael’s family describes unconditional love based on a Christian worldview.

However, Lisa and the boys fail to demonstrate unconditional love by sending Mikhael to the woods after discovering his changed sexuality. Their action is wrong based on the Bible, which advises Christians to show unconditional love to all people without discrimination based on ethnicity, sexuality, religion, or culture. “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as you’re native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God,” (Leviticus 19:33-34)Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper. Therefore, Lisa and the boys from the new neighborhood were not supposed to mistreat Mikhael by driving him to the woods despite his changed sexual identity based on a Christian worldview.

Lastly, the worldview of parenting is evident in the film. The Bible recommends that Christians discipline their children tenderly to mold their behaviors. “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire,” (Proverbs 29:17). Additionally, the Bible advises parents to guide their children during early life stages to mold their characters. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” (Proverbs 22:6). These Bible verses imply that all parents should focus on imparting morals to their children to prevent consequences and disgrace associated with being indiscipline and immorality. In the film, Michael’s mother scolds them and instructs them to wear a blue dress after learning about their impersonated character. The mother also requires Mikhael to apologize to the boy from the next apartment for fighting him and discouraging such behaviors in the future. Additionally, the neighbor from the next apartment reports Mikhael to their mother for battling his son, preventing them from fighting again. Thus, mothers from the film demonstrate appropriate parenting skills based on Christian’s worldview.

Evaluating the Project Based on a Practical Perspective

The film depicts gender identity or sexual transformation, the most common form of cultural integration in contemporary society. Transgender identities have increased dramatically in the young population recently (Hereth et al., 34). These individuals face various challenges in the community. Thus, the worldviews presented in the film will be analyzed from a practical perspective.

First, transgender individuals face rejection and humiliation due to their sexual orientation. Hereth et al. (2020) define sexual orientation from several dimensions, including attraction, identity, and behavior (P, 32). In the film, Mikhael demonstrates their sexual orientation through interest in Lisa. Their attraction is seen through their strong bond of an intimate relationship. Lisa kisses Mikhael in one incident due to their attraction and stands with them when other boys intend to capture Mikhael and confirm his sexuality. However, Lisa turns against Mikhael when one of the boys reminds her that kissing Mikhael feels disgusting if they are a girl. As a result, Lisa joins the boys in driving Mikhael to the woods and leaves them devastated. This incident exposes Mikhael to rejection and humiliation.

Furthermore, transgender identities experience difficulties in performing their anatomical gender roles. Adolescents with transgender identities must maintain the secret of their sexuality without others noticing changes in their anatomical roles. In the film, Mikhael identifies as a boy and engages in activities mainly performed by boys, such as playing soccer. Studies show that social inclusion in sports is a significant challenge facing transgender individuals (Mendes et al., 335). In the film, it is challenging for Mikhael to engage in boy’s activities due to variations in their physical features. For instance, Mikhael brushes her breasts to ensure they are noticed through her loose T-shirt. Mikhael is also forced to walk in a little father when other boys urinate at the edge of the woods. Moreover, Mikhael provides for a little bulge on the appropriate part when accompanying other boys for swimming. These incidents imply that identifying as a boy jeopardizes Mikhaël’s ability to perform anatomical gender roles.

Lastly, transgender identities expose individuals to mental health issues and psychological torture. Maintaining secret regarding their sexuality and fear of stigmatization and rejection expose transgender persons to high levels of psychological distress (Sherazi et al., 6). In the film, Mikhael experiences psychological when their mother forces them to put on the blue dress upon learning about the gender identity. Consequently, Mikhael hides in the woods, where they remove the clothing, leaving on boy-style shorts and a tank top to maintain the newly-acquired gender identity. Additionally, children from the new neighborhood reject Mikhael and leave them alone in the woods upon discovering Mikhaël’s anatomic gender. The incident increases the likelihood of developing mental health issues, such as psychological depression or depression.


Worldview determines how individuals perceive various things in their work. It is a framework for making the most significant decisions in life. Individuals who believe in a particular issue are likely to support it. The selected firm presents gender transformation as the most critical social issue. Characters perceive this issue based on their worldview. Mikhael and Jeanne perceive gender identity transformation as a morally right action. Thus, Mikhael changes the gender assigned at birth (female) to the preferred identity (male). This new identity makes it difficult for Mikhael to perform various anatomical gender roles. Gender identity transformation is opposed by other characters, including Michael’s mother and boys from the new neighborhood. The mother instructs Michael to wear the blue dress when she learns about the change in identity. When they know about their impersonated character, the boys drive Mikhael to the woods and leave him there. Gender identity transformation is wrong based on the Christian worldview since it interferes with God’s plan and intention for one’s life.  Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper



“Tomboy.” Directed by Sciamma Celine. Pyramide Distribution, 2011.

Caltabiano, Marcantonio, Maria Castiglioni, and Alessandra De-Rose. “Changes in the sexual behaviour of young people: Introduction.” Genus 76.1 (2020): 1-10.

Hereth, Jane, Dana J. Pardee, and Sari L. Reisner. “Gender identity and sexual orientation development among young adult transgender men sexually active with cisgender men:‘I had completely ignored my sexuality… that’s for a different time to figure out’.” Culture, Health & Hexuality 22.sup1 (2020): 31-47.

Mendes, Liliana, Elsa Gabriel Morgado, and Levi Leonido. “Social Inclusion of Transgender People in Intercollegiate Sports—A Scoping Review.” Social Sciences 12.6 (2023): 335.

Sherazi, Narjis, Najma Najam, and Sadia Jabeen. “Social Exclusion and Mental Health Issues of Transgender Community in Lahore City.” FWU Journal of Social Sciences 17.1 (2023): 1-17. Worldview Engagement Project Assignment Paper

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